Being a Foundation Trust
The James Paget Healthcare NHS Trust became the first Foundation Trust in Norfolk and Suffolk on 1 August 2006 and is known as the James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
We employ over 4,000 staff. We provide services at the James Paget University Hospital in Gorleston, supported by services at the Newberry Centre Children’s Clinic and other outreach clinics.
Our catchment population is 250,000 which is expected to steadily increase, particularly people aged over 65.
The Trust is a high performing organisation that prides itself in putting patients first. We continually strive to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience to meet the needs of our patients and local population and our hospital is firmly rooted in the local community. We have a talented and loyal workforce, with a commitment to embrace and deliver improvement and change.
We face many challenges, due to the changing landscape in the NHS and the continuing financial challenges and discussion around sustainability of services for the future. We have the vision to continually improve quality and patient care and we want to deliver services that are closely integrated with primary, community and social care and to maximise our potential as a first class centre for teaching and research, working in partnership across the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System.
As a University Hospital we train over one third of the medical students from the University of East Anglia.
We are proactive in managing our staffing and have made huge progress in developing new roles, our people, and focussing on a 'Grow Your Own' approach to ensure that we have the right staff to treat our patients.
We have a strong national, and now international, reputation for research and excellence in the quality of our training facilities.
As a Foundation Trust since 2006 we have previously been able to make a surplus and use this to develop services for local people. The Day Case Unit development has been made possible by reinvesting in this way. We are working hard to resolve current financial challenges to return to break-even/surplus.
The public and staff are directly involved in decisions about our services, through our Council of Governors, and influence the future.
Foundation Trust structure
Our Foundation Trust structure is set out in our management structure document. The most up-to-date version is viewable on our Board of Directors page where you can also view our organisational structure chart.