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Reporting fraud in the NHS


Who should I contact to report fraud, bribery or corruption? 

The James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has a new Counter Fraud Services provider. 

The nominated Anti-Crime Specialist (ACS) is Lisa George who works for TIAA Limited. 

Lisa is available to help with any concerns or issues you may wish to report.  

The ACS is trained to conduct their work in a professional, confidential and ethical manner and has a vital role to play within the counter fraud structure. They act as the “first line of defence” against fraud and corruption within the NHS.  

You can report your concerns by contacting Lisa directly by telephoning 0845 300 3333.  

You can also contact the National Reporting telephone line or report online by following the link below;

National Reporting Line: 0800 028 40 60

You can also report your concerns to the Director of Finance or equivalent.

More information about fraud, bribery and corruption can be found at;

Calls to the National Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line - on 0800 028 40 60 - are treated in confidence by trained staff and information given will be professionally assessed and evaluated.

Callers have the option to remain anonymous should they wish to do so. 

The Director of Finance

Our Chief Finance Officer is managerially responsible for counter fraud measures within the Trust.


What should I do if I suspect fraud? 

The overwhelming majority of patients and professionals would not dream of stealing or committing fraud, but a small minority of patients and health service staff do just that.  Every time they commit fraud, patient care suffers.  Fraud takes many forms.  Often it is relatively low value and opportunistic. Sometimes, it is high value and committed by skilled criminals.

Not acting against fraud can undermine the reputation, integrity and professionalism of health services and perceptions about the quality of the services provided, which could lead to a loss in public confidence.  Success in combating fraud depends on the co-operation and involvement of both patients and staff at all levels across the whole of the Trust.

If you suspect that a fraud is occurring you should:
• Contact your ACS  
• Make a note of your suspicions.  Sign, date and keep it safe.
• Try to discretely secure / copy documents you believe relevant.

Please do not:
• Investigate anything yourself.
• Undertake any surveillance or anything else that puts you at risk.
• Confront the individual(s) yourself.
• Convey your suspicions to anyone other than those listed as appropriate including your line manager.    
• Ignore your suspicions and do nothing

What will happen if I report fraud? 

When reporting concerns regarding fraud, you will be advised as to what steps to take.

The diverse nature of information received means that it may not always be appropriate to conduct an investigation or it may be appropriate to involve the Police and/or the NHS Counter Fraud Authority.

What if I am wrong?

• Never be afraid to raise your suspicions even though you may be wrong, because you could be right.

• There will be no ramifications for raising an issue you believed to be fraud.  Regardless of how the investigation is concluded.

• The person investigated will not be disadvantaged if the investigation undertaken did not uncover any fraudulent activity

• If you are uncertain just contact us for advice to ascertain if your suspicions could be correct.