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Our strategic ambitions


Our ambitions sit under four headings; Caring for our patients, Supporting our people, Collaborating with our partners and Enhancing our performance.

Please click on the image below to view a larger version. 

Our priorities and ambitions and our values graphic, which highlights how we aim to deliver the best care for our patients, support our team by promoting a fair, inclusive and safe workplace, work with partners to achieve seamless patient pathways, and enhance our performance to improve services, make best use of our resources and lead the way to achieving Net Zero. Our values are Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, Empowerment and Support - with the first letter of each spelling out CARES.


Performance is monitored in a number of ways. Risks to achieving what we set out to do are presented to each Board meeting - the Board Assurance Framework - so that the Board can take action well before year-end if that is required.

Risk Appetite

Please see below for our Risk Appetite Statement.
