Quality Account
All providers of NHS services in England have a statutory duty to produce an annual report to the public about the quality of services they deliver. This is called the Quality Account (also known as the Quality Report).
Please click on the image below to view full-size version of our 2023-24 Quality Account.
Quality Accounts aim to increase public accountability and drive quality improvement within NHS organisations. They do this by getting organisations to review their performance over the previous year, identify areas for improvement, and publish that information, along with a commitment to you about how those improvements will be made and monitored over the next year.
Quality consists of three areas which are key to the delivery of high quality services:
- Patient safety
- Clinical effectiveness (how well the care provided works)
- Patient experience (how patients experience the care they receive)
Some of the information in a Quality Account is mandatory but most is decided by patients and carers, Foundation Trust Governors, staff, commissioners, regulators, and our partner organisations, collectively known as our stakeholders.
The Trust produced its first quality account in 2008/09. Our aims were set out, recognising the challenge of meeting demands for healthcare in the coming years and our commitment to deliver high quality services to all our patients.
Please click on the folders below to access the Trust's Quality Accounts.
The Quality Account is the key delivery tool for the Trust’s Quality Improvement Strategy which demonstrates a continued commitment and focus on quality improvement.
Each and every member of our staff has an indivdiual and a united responsibility to ensure that the quality of care and the safety of our patients is central to everything we do.