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Strategies & Policies

Here you will find our strategies and policies. Our Five Year Strategy provides an overview of the work going on at our Trust, while our Quality Improvement Strategy, Clinical Strategy and Five-Year People Strategy all cover specific areas. 

By clicking on each document below you can view each strategy. 


Five Year Strategy 2023-28

Please click on the images below to read our new five year strategy, ‘Building a Healthier Future Together’: A one-page summary of our strategy, and our full strategy for the period 2023-2028.

JPUH Trust Strategy 2023 28 - A photograph of a man wearing blue scrubs appears alongside the words 'Building a healthier future together' in white and yellow writing on a purple background. The James Paget logo appears top right and a #Proud of the Paget graphic bottom right. The words 'our strategy for the next five years 2023-2028 appears in smaller writing under the main text.

 A one page graphic summarising our priorities and ambitions - caring for our patients, collaborating with our partners, supporting our people and enhancing our performance. Our values - Collaborations, Accountability, Respect, Empowerment, Support.


Our Clinical Strategy - 2021-2026

Clinical Strategy Cover

Our People Plan 2023-2028

People Plan image - This has a photo of two women wearing green surgical scrubs and head coverings looking at a white monitoring device. Text and the James Paget logo appear on a dark purple background. The text reads 'Building a Healthier Future Together' 'Paget's People: Our People Plan for the next five years 2023 to 2028' . It also has a blue # Proud of the Paget logo which is a blue plectrum shape with white and yellow writing.

Operational Plans

The Trust is required to produce a two year operational plan in line with statutory requirements set by NHS Improvement.  

Vision and community

We are part of the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS). 

More information can be found on the Integrated Care System website.

We are also exploring a number of opportunities to work with strategic partners, focusing on development of the Trust’s estate and its site strategy, and in taking forward the commercial strategy.

Other strategies & policies

Click the links below to download and view strategies and policies for the Trust.
