Improvement Approach
Our Improvement Approach demonstrates a continued commitment and focus on quality improvement; with patients and staff at the heart of improvement.
We endeavour to deliver care which is accessible and equitable. We want all our staff and those working in partnership with us to know that they are valued and we want to support them in providing the best care possible for our patients, to ensure that the right care is delivered, in the right place, at the right time, every time.
Professional requirements, national and local drivers and policy will help steer the our delivery and ensure that quality remains at the forefront. This improvement approach will naturally dovetail with our Trust strategy, maintaining a unified organisational vision; one where we can continue to deliver sustainable quality healthcare whilst concurrently managing the challenges the NHS faces now and in the future.
Effectively embedding an improvement approach across the Trust will require broad engagement, collective effort and a shared vision. We will be guided by the vision and ambitions agreed as part of our 2023-28 Trust Strategy.
NHS IMPACT (Improving Patient Care Together), the new, shared NHS improvement approach has also been a key building block and we are committed to ensuring that the principles of this approach underpin our improvement journey and methodology, acting as the golden thread between the improvement activity we undertake and the delivery of our Trust ambitions.