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Healthy Weight Clinic

Opening Times: Monday morning every week. See below for more information.
Telephone: 01493 453914
Location: The Cove Childrens Clinic

We are an outpatient service run by the Paediatric team. Clinics are run weekly at The Cove Childrens Clinic.

Nurse led follow up clinics may be run in other locations.

Usually children with weight above their normal range are picked up by Health visitors, GPs and also School Health through the National Child Measurement programme. In this clinic we see children who are referred by GPs and other health care professionals needing assessment and guidance on weight loss.

In this clinic you will be seen by a Consultant Paediatrician with interest in Endocrinology and Growth. You will also be seen by a Paediatric Dietician and Healthy Weight nurses who can give advice on healthy eating and lifestyle changes appropriate for your child’s age. A psychologist also works as part of the team to help the child and parents to achieve their goals. 

If your child is diagnosed with a medical condition causing weight gain or has developed a complication due to the weight, the doctor will explain the diagnosis in simple terms and answer all your questions. Often we might need to do further investigations like a blood test and this will be explained and organised at the James Paget University Hospital.

The dietician will discuss your child’s diet with you and guide you in making necessary changes so that it is healthy and helps your child to achieve a healthy weight. The healthy weight nurses will arrange to see you regularly should you require extra support.


What services are provided?

  • Medical assessment for overweight and obese children
  • Dietetic advice
  • Advice on lifestyle changes
  • Referrals for Psychology input if required
  • Referrals to Norfolk CAN and Feel Good Suffolk to provide single and group work and exercises

How can I get a referral?

Children with BMI above the 99.6th centile for age (98th centile if there is a medical condition) above two years and less than 18 years of age can be referred by their GP or any other hospital doctor or nurse who sees them for any other medical needs.


What are the opening times?

Our Consultant clinics are usually on a Monday morning every week


Key staff

Key staff


Dr Gurung

Children’s Community Nursing Team: Sister Mary Haddow

Dietitian; Jen Jarmey

Psychologist; Heidi Badat