Consultants A-Z
Here you will find information on the Consultants working around the Trust, and how you can contact them.
If you are trying to contact a Consultant and can't find what you're looking for, please contact Switchboard on 01493 452452.
If your query relates to something on the website, please contact the Communications team on 01493 452269.
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Consultants (B)
Name | Department | Telephone |
Rawya Badreldin | Gastroenterology | 01493 452766 |
Paul Banim | Gastroenterology | 01493 453725 |
Anna Bayston | A&E | 01493 452154 |
Esi Bentsi-Enchill | Children & Young People's Services | 01493 452165 |
Anna Blackburn | Respiratory
Emergency Assessment and Discharge Unit (EADU) |
Karl Heinz Blenk | Anaesthetics | 01493 452476 |
Srinivas Boddu | Radiology | 01493 452395 |
Monica Bogdan | General Surgery | 01493 452666 |
Pieter Bothma | Anaesthetics
Hyperbaric Chamber |
01493 452475 |
Robert Brightwell | General Surgery | 01493 452377 |
Daniel Broad | Anaesthetics | 01493 452475 |
Ben Burton | Ophthalmology | 01493 452762 |
Tom Butler | Ophthalmology | 01493 452298 |