Consultants A-Z
Here you will find information on the Consultants working around the Trust, and how you can contact them.
If you are trying to contact a Consultant and can't find what you're looking for, please contact Switchboard on 01493 452452.
If your query relates to something on the website, please contact the Communications team on 01493 452269.
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Consultants (S)
Name | Department | Telephone |
Saravanavel Sagadai | Anaesthetics | 01493 452475 |
Aamir Saleem | Gastroenterology | 01493 452858 |
Mahmoud Saleh | Gynaecology | 01493 452654 |
Thandar Soe | Stroke Services | 01493 453937 |
Josip Stosic | Critical Care Outreach
High Dependency Unit (HDU)/ Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Emergency Assessment and Discharge Unit (EADU) |
01493 452154 |
Hazel Stuart | Anaesthetics
High Dependency Unit (HDU)/ Intensive Care Unit (ICU) |
01493 452768 |
Sreekumar Sulfi | Department of Medicine | (01493) 452238 |