Departments & Services A-Z
Here you will find information on the many different services offered by the Trust, and where they can be located.
If you are a patient, we hope you will find everything you need to help you prepare for your visit. There’s also information for visitors and carers to ensure that everyone has the best possible experience when they are here.
If you are trying to contact a department and can't find what you're looking for, please contact Switchboard on 01493 452452.
If your query relates to something on the website, please contact the Communications team on 01493 452269.
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Services (O)
Name | Description |
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy | We provide occupational therapy and physiotherapy services to the Trust. |
Oncology | We deliver care and support to patients with malignant and non-malignant conditions, including blood disorders and cancers |
Ophthalmology | Our team provides comprehensive eye care services with state-of-the-art facilities and the latest techniques. |
Oral Surgery | We provide a service for patients who need an expert opinion or treatment for conditions concerning the mouth. |
Orthopaedics | We offer specialist treatments for a wide range of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. |
Orthotics | We provide an efficient orthotic service and supply suitable orthoses to meet individual patient requirements. |
Surgical Outpatients | Our department consists of two suites of rooms which are used for many different types of surgical clinics. |