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Ambulatory Unit - AmbU

Opening Times: Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm, Sat and Sun 8am - 7pm
Telephone: 01493 453775
Location: Within EADU on the ground floor of the hospital

AmbU is an assessment area located within EADU, designed for the rapid assessment and treatment of medical problems which can be managed without the need for an overnight stay.

We can assess and treat a wide range of medical problems but mainly assess patients with:

  • chest pain
  • blood clots in the lung and legs
  • cellulitis.

Our aim is to assess and treat your medical problem as quickly as possible and get you back home the same day, thereby saving a hospital admission.

We take referrals from GPs , A&E, Paramedics and Hospital Specialists.

Three large blue chairs, for patients to sit in for assessment and treatment on our Ambulatory Unit

Our new Ambulatory Care Unit opened its doors on 19 September 2018 – and saw more than 1,000 patients in its first four weeks of operation.

Ambulatory care is nationally recognised as an effective way of delivering safe care for an increasing number of conditions, while improving patient experience.

It allows patients to receive diagnosis, observation, consultation, treatment services in one area of the hospital – and is designed to be a ‘one stop shop’ for patients, improving the efficiency of care, reducing time in hospital and preventing admissions.

An Ambulatory Care Unit was established in the hospital in 2015. It was designed to support 20 patients per day but sometimes had to cater for double the number it was designed for.

Now, Ambulatory Care is being delivered from our brand-new, purpose-built facility which is double the size of the old unit – and can see three times as many patients.

The new facility is currently seeing up to 45 patients per day and activity is steadily growing.

A corridor and a handwashing area in our Ambulatory Unit

Our new Ambulatory Care unit consists of:

  • Six single treatment rooms
  • An IV room
  • GP referral assessment area
  • Point of Care Testing (POCT) room, including equipment which can provide diagnostic blood test results in just a few minutes.
  • Reception area/nurses station
  • A waiting area that can accommodate up to 30 people

 Karen Foden in our Ambulatory Unit

 Ambulatory Nurse Practitioner Karen Foden.

Key staff

Key staff


Medical lead: Dr Al Green, Consultant Physician

Nursing Lead: Sister Karen Foden