Remarkable People Awards
Sarah Stannard, 'Non-clinical Individual of the Year' winner 2013
Facilities Management
Facilities Management provides a range of services to the James Paget Hospital and Newberry Clinic. The Directorate employs 445 staff and provides a high quality and cost effective services to facilitate the delivery of key services to our patients, staff and visitors.
What services are provided?
- Catering Services
- Domestic Services
- Linen Services
- Residential Accommodation
- Portering & Security
- Car Park Management
- Switchboard Services
- Transport, Waste and Logistics
- Procurement
Further information
Governing bodies involving Facilities Management:
- Catering - Environmental Hygiene Regulations & Better Hospital Food
- Domestics - National Standards of Cleanliness
- Linen - HSG (95) 18 Hospital Laundry Arrangements for used and infected linen
- All areas - P.L.A.C.E (Patient Led Assessments of the Care Enviroment) Care Quality Commission Standards
Our successes
Kimberley Clark Awards for the 'Best Cleaned Hospital by an In-House Team' 2013, Finalist
Environmental Health, 5/5 food hygiene compliance
GY Environmental health 'Healther Options Norfolk Award' 2014