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Specialist assisted conception

The East of England now offers access to NHS funded specialist assisted conception for eligible couples;

The following is a summary of the current eligibility criteria:

1.The woman's age must be at least 23 years and any treatment must be

commenced by her 40th birthday

2.The woman must have a Body Mass Index of at least 19 and no more than 30

3.Couples are eligible if they have an identifiable cause for their fertility problems or have unexplained infertility of at least 3 years duration

4. There should be no children from the couple's relationship. This includes any adopted children

5.Couples are ineligible if previous sterilisation has taken place (either partner) even if it has been reversed

6. Previous privately funded treatment will not preclude patients from being eligible for NHS funded cycles up to a maximum of 6 embryo transfers or 3 fresh cycles. However, previous cycles, whether NHS or privately funded, will be taken into account. Couples should undergo no more than 5 cycles in total

7.Couples should conform to the statutory 'Welfare of the Child' requirements

8.Referral to the tertiary centre will be via a designated Consultant Gynaecologist.


The full criteria can be seen by accessing the East of England website.