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Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery

There are two Upper Gastrointestinal Consultant Surgeons, who are supported by a team of fully-trained & trainee surgeons. The unit provides the entire range of benign Upper GI Surgery, including surgery for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, gall bladder surgery (including removal of bile duct stones), splenectomy and hiatus hernia surgery. The majority of Upper GI Surgery is performed laparoscopically (key-hole surgery), and the unit has also performed some operations by the ‘scarless’ technique.

The unit also participates in the Emergency Surgery service, providing specialist care for complex Upper GI conditions such as severe pancreatitis and gastric volvulus. Both the consultants are involved in teaching of undergraduate & postgraduate students, training and research.

Though Upper GI cancer surgery is now performed in regional centres as per National Guidelines, the unit is part of the Cancer Network. It provides the whole range of initial management, including investigations & diagnosis.  The unit is supported by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a Cancer Nurse Specialist, Gastroenterologists, Radiologists and Pathologists. A video-conference is held every week with the regional cancer centres to agree management plans for our patients.