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Health Records library

The Health Records Library is based in a purpose built facility at the James Paget University Hospital.  It is responsible for storing active patient Health Care Files for the James Paget University Hospital. The Library also manages a number of other different record types for the Trust.

The Library supplies Health Care Files for all emergency and elective patient activity in the Trust, including Ward admissions and out-patient clinic appointments.

Opening Hours

Monday                      07:00 to 17:00

Tuesday                     07:00 to 17:00

Wednesday               07:00 to 17:00

Thursday                   07:00 to 17:00

Friday                         07:00 to 17:00

Saturday                    Closed          

Sunday                      Closed

An Out of Hours service is operated outside of these opening times.

To protect the security and confidentiality of patient Health Care Files, access to the Health Records Library is restricted to only authorised staff. Patients who they have applied for access and have a prior appointment will be escorted into the Library to see their records.

All visitors must provide proof of identity before they are allowed to enter the Library. Attendance can be arranged by contacting the Health Records Manager on 01493 452085.

(Please note the information on this page is currently under review.)