Sir James Paget Library

Opening times: Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 17:30 & Friday 08:00-17:00.
We are in the Burrage Centre, a separate building at the back of the main hospital site.
Telephone: 01493 452409
Critical Appraisal Skills booklist
Available at Sir James Paget Library
Aveyard, H. (2014) Doing a literature review in health and social care: a practical guide. 3rd edn. Oxford: Open University Press.
Barker, J.M. (2010) Evidence based practice for Nurses. Sage
Burns, N. (2011) Understanding Nursing research: building an evidence- based practice. Saunders.
Cutcliffe, J.R, (2007) Critiquing Nursing Research. Quay,
Elwood, J. M. (2007) Critical Appraisal of epidemiological studies and clinical trials. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Gehlback, S.H. (2006) Interpreting the Medical Literature. McGraw- Hill,
Gosall, N.K. (2012) The Doctor’s guide to Critical Appraisal. Pastest .
Greenhalgh, Trisha (2014) How to read a paper. 5th edn.Oxford & London: Wiley.
Mayer, Dan (2010) Essential evidence- based medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Polit, D. Essentials of Nursing research: appraising evidence for Nursing practice. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
(The above titles are on order for Sir James Paget Library & will be added to stock soon)
These are just a selection of books in stock at the Library other guides are available, please check the ELMS catalogue.
Critical Appraisal skills programme
Visit CASP with checklists for critically appraising randomised control trials, systematic reviews, cohort studies, case control studies, qualitative research, economic evaluations, diagnostic tests & clinical prediction rule.
Critical Appraisal Training at James Paget University Hospital
The Library Manager runs Critical Appraisal training sessions for groups/ individuals, please ring Library staff/Peter Ransome on x2409 or to book via e-mail: jphlibrary@
Our thanks to go the Research & Development Team and the Clinical Trials Research Nurses team at the James Paget University Hospital NHS Trust for their advice and recommendations.