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Key staff

Kirsty Blowers - Antenatal Clinic Manager 01493 452369 (office hours only)

Maria Carr - Screening Coordinator Midwife 01493 453798 or 07956 389418 (office hours only)

Gill Halliwell - Screening Coordinator Midwife  01493 453798 or 07956 389418 (office hours only)

Kelly Angel – Failsafe Officer / Admin

Kim Stone - Diabetes Specialist Midwife 01493 453798 (office hours only)

Donna Williams – Maternal Medicines Specialist Midwife 01493 453798  (office hours only)

Text messages are welcome - if English is not your first language you can text in your preferred language and staff will use translation services.

Antenatal & Newborn Screening



Screening Booklet - please click for more informationYou will be offered some screening tests during your antenatal period and for you baby in the first weeks of their life. 


The links below will help you to find out more about the screening tests that will be offered to you at your booking appointment.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Please access the link below to find out about screening tests for you and your baby…

It contains all you need to know about screening tests for you and your baby in a number of languages and easy read options if required. Save the link so that you can use it to help you make an informed choice about your care.

Parabéns. Acesse o link abaixo para saber mais sobre os testes de triagem para você e seu bebê...

Ele contém tudo o que você precisa saber sobre testes de triagem para você e seu bebê em uma série de idiomas e opções de leitura fácil, se necessário. Salve o link para que você possa usá-lo para ajudá-lo a fazer uma escolha informada sobre seus cuidados.

Gratulujemy ciąży. Skorzystaj z poniższego linku, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o badaniach przesiewowych dla Ciebie i Twojego dziecka...

Zawiera wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o badaniach przesiewowych dla Ciebie i Twojego dziecka w wielu językach i łatwych opcji czytania, jeśli jest to wymagane. Zapisz link, aby można go używać, aby pomóc Ci dokonać świadomego wyboru opieki.

Sveikiname nėštumą. Prašome susisiekti su žemiau esančią nuorodą sužinoti apie atrankos testai jums ir jūsų kūdikiui...

Jame yra viskas, ką jums reikia žinoti apie atrankos testus jums ir jūsų kūdikiui daugeliu kalbų ir, jei reikia, lengvai skaitomos parinktys. Išsaugokite nuorodą, kad galėtumėte ją naudoti, kad galėtumėte priimti informacija pagrįstą sprendimą dėl savo priežiūros.

Felicitări. Vă rugăm să mergeți la link-ul de mai jos pentru a afla despre testele de screening pentru tine si copilul tau...

Acesta conține tot ce trebuie să știți despre testele de screening pentru tine si copilul tau intr-o serie de limbi și ușor de citit opțiuni, dacă este necesar. Salvați linkul astfel încât să îl puteți utiliza pentru a vă ajuta să faceți o alegere în cunoștință de cauză cu privire la îngrijirea dvs.

Screening QR Code

 Screening tests for you and your baby - please select the language you would prefer to read this information in:



Chinese – simple:









Easy read:


At Booking

When you are booked by a midwife, whether in a hospital environment or in the community, she will talk you through the screening pathways in the first instance.

You will be given a booklet entitled “Screening Tests for you and your baby” produced by the NSC (National Screening Committee) which is very informative and will answer most questions.  There is lots of useful information and good links to find further information.

Your midwife will complete the relevant page of the hand held notes or Antenatal Care record.

This is your chance to accept or decline the tests listed below and discuss with your midwife any worries or further questions.

If your midwife is unable to answer your questions she may refer you to or contact the Screening Midwife on your behalf (details found below)

Preterm delivery prevention clinic

We have a dedicated specialised preterm labour prevention clinic. At your booking visit with your Midwife your risk of preterm birth will be assessed and, if you are at increased risk, then your midwife will refer you to our preterm prevention clinic.

We offer a one-stop-clinic where you will see your doctor and a thorough assessment will take place. This will include taking detailed history, reviewing your available medical records, working out your actual needs and conducting a cervix assessment ultrasound scan or making arrangements for it to happen on a specific date.

Your plan of care will be discussed and agreed with you and recorded on your maternity notes. Should you have a questions, please address them to your midwife and your doctor.

We aim to offer you the highest standards of care to reduce the chances of preterm birth.


You will be given two scan appointments, the first will be arranged just after booking with your midwife and the appointment will be sent in the post. This will be to date your pregnancy and is when downs syndrome testing will be carried out if you accepted this at booking. A further scan will then be arranged around 18-20 weeks gestation and this is called a Fetal Anatomy scan, see pages 24-29 of the screening booklet for more information on this.

Postnatal Screening

When baby is born they will be offered a Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) this will be carried out by a doctor or midwife within 72 hours of birth.  See your screening booklet for further information.

 When your baby is between 5 and 8 days old they will be offered a Newborn Bloodspot (Heel prick test) this is to test for various rare conditions.  See page 42-47 of your screening booklet.  A midwife will visit you at home or if baby is still in hospital it will be done there.  


What tests am I offered?

1.       Infectious diseases, pages 8-11 of the screening booklet

2.       Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, pages 12-17 of the screening booklet  

3.       Downs Syndrome, pages 18-23 of the screening booklet

4.       Physical abnormalities (Anatomy Scan), pages 24-29 of the screening booklet

5.       Hearing test, pages 38-41 of the screening booklet


What tests is my baby offered?

1.       Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE), pages 34-37

2.       Newborn Bloodspot (Heel Prick Test), pages 42-47


Further information can be sought at any Antenatal or Midwife appointment at any point in your pregnancy, if you are not sure of any results, or have any questions please make use of the contact details in the 'Key staff' box.


Do I pay? 

The NHS Newborn Screening program ensures all parents are offered screening for their new child within the first few weeks of life. It is a core service within the NHS in England and part of the family of Antenatal and Newborn Screening Programs. The screen is free of charge.

The only thing you will be charged for is your scan pictures - £3


What are the opening times?

The Antenatal Clinic is open Monday to Friday between 8am - 5pm.


Contact Details

If you have any further Questions please do not hesitate to call 01493 453892 ensuring you tell us the nature of your enquiry your full name and DOB and hospital number if you know it.


Further sources of help and advice

Antenatal results and choices offers information and support to parents regarding screening tests in pregnancy.

To visit their website please click on the logo below or go to Results And Choices