Oculoplastics service
Eyelid problems are common. These can be simple lumps or cysts, eyelid drooping or abnormal position, watery eyes, and various skin cancers.
In the oculoplastics clinic, Mrs Hemmant and her team provide a broad range of oculoplastics procedures:
Correcting common eye lid problems such as
- entropion (eye lid rolling in)
- ectropion (eye lid rolling out)
- ptosis (droopy top lids)
- Blepharoplasty surgery for excess upper lid skin
- One-stop eye lid cyst clinic
- Periocular cancer service with a rapid biopsy service and excision with reconstruction where necessary. Some complex cases involve a multi-disciplinary team linked via a tele-link with JPUH and NNUH where experts in dermatology, plastics, oculoplastics, radiotherapy, radiology and histopathology decide optimum treatment.
- The lacrimal service offers a range of treatments for watery eyes, ranging from eye drops, syringing and minor procedures to lacrimal bypass procedures (DCR) which can be performed endoscopically (with no skin incisions) or externally.
- Treatment and surgery for socket related problems related to removal of the eye.
- Specialist thyroid clinic, offering the latest treatments
A child can be referred to the Eye Clinic by their GP, optician, school nurse, or from a screening clinic. Our paediatric eye clinics are sessions dedicated to children, run by specialist medical and nursing staff, orthoptists and optometrists.