Oral Surgery
We provide a service for patients who need an expert opinion or treatment for conditions concerning the mouth. This includes both consultations and treatments for Oral Surgery.
The James Paget team – which includes a consultant, doctor, nurses and support staff - provide a range of services for patients at our hospital. Clinicians from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital also visit to hold clinics and carry out some treatments.
What services are provided?
Oral Surgery consultations and treatments including;
- Complex dentoalveolar surgery
- Soft tissue operations in the region of the mouth
- Consultations for facial pain and Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders
The team are also part of the pathway for cancer patient diagnostics, supporting the Head & Neck service.
Treatments are carried out under local anaesthetic, intravenous sedation, or general anaesthetic, if needed, via our Day Care Unit.
How can I get a referral?
Patients can be referred by their dentist or local GP.
Contact information for the Dental Secretaries:
Telephone - 01493 452441
Email - DentalSecs@jpaget.nhs.uk
Please see below for useful information including our post operative advice sheet and our position statement on Upper Lip Tie Divisons.
Key staff
Lead Clinician for Oral Surgery: Mr Evaldas Lukosevicius
Visiting Maxillofacial Consultants -
Speciality Maxillofacial Doctor: Dr Caroline Warminger
Senior Nurse: Michael Ashton
Dental Nurses:
Paula Gilbert
Claire Lewis
Lindsay Logan
Selina Zandbergen
Dental secretaries
Tayler Francis
Mary Hadland