Pain Management
We offer a variety of treatments and services to patients who have acute (new) or chronic pain (chronic pain is pain that has lasted more than 3 months), whatever the cause of that pain might be.
We see patients with pain management problems as outpatients or whilst they are in hospital. This service is staffed by specialist doctors and nurses, with an occupational therapist who is available for outpatients. We can advise on, organise, and deliver a range of investigations and treatments to help manage pain.
The Pain Management Team is also part of the Back Pain Service, which includes specialist spinal physiotherapists and spinal surgeons: we all work closely together to make sure that the large numbers of people who have back pain get the best all round care.
What services are provided?
- Outpatient consultant and nurse led clinics and inpatient ward rounds providing pain assessment and advice about pain management and lifestyle, diagnosis and investigation, medicines management advice, pain management interventions and procedures.
- Specialist Spinal Physiotherapy assessment, investigation, diagnosis and treatment programmes.
- Occupational Therapist assessment and advice on various techniques geared to promoting quality of life: lifestyle and healthy living advice, pacing, relaxation, support to maintain employment, workstation ergonomics, home equipment and adaptations.
- Acupuncture
How can I get a referral?
Patients in hospital can be referred by any healthcare professional involved in their care. Patients at home should discuss referral with their GP.
More advice and information
Please see below for more information about our services. The related links on the left will take you through to more patient information leaflets giving advice and guidance, simply click it and choose the 'Pain Management' file.
You may also like to watch these videos;
Pain and Me: Tamar Pincus talks about chronic pain, acceptance and commitment
Understanding Pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it!
Thousands suffering from chronic pain have been taking "ineffective" opioids for years
Remarkable People Awards

'Department of the Year' winner 2013