The James Paget University Hospital Radiology department performs over 70,000 X-rays, 50,000 CT and MRI scans and over 30,000 ultrasound scans a year.
The department is composed of over 140 Radiologists, Radiographers, Nurses, Imaging Assistants, Healthcare Assistants, Administration and Radiology IT staff.
We have a commitment to teaching Specialist Registrars from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, medical students from the University of East Anglia Medical School, sonographers from the University of Hertfordshire and radiographers from the Universities of Suffolk and Exeter. We provide practical mammography training for JPUH radiographers.
We are dedicated to providing a comprehensive and efficient imaging service to the population of Great Yarmouth and Waveney, along with the surrounding areas of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Radiology uses:
- X-rays to produce images ranging from bones, joints, breasts and chest x-rays to more specialised procedures using dyes such as bariums studies of the bowels or studies of the kidneys.
- Ultrasound to image for pregnancy, soft tissue organs like the kidneys and liver and more specialised procedures such as joints.
- Computerised Tomography (CT) to image the soft tissue organs and joints in greater detail.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to image the soft tissues and joints and provide greater detail.
Radiology is essential in the investigation of injuries, a range of illnesses and the monitoring of the progression or response to treatment.
What services are provided?
The Radiology Department consists of the following 5 main clinical service areas:
- Bone Mineral Density Scanner (BMD)
- Breast Imaging Unit / Breast Screening
- CT and MRI Scanning
- X-Ray
- Ultrasound, including maternity services
How can I get a referral?
Patients can be referred by their local GP or other healthcare professional.
Breast Imaging – Either a breast surgeon or NHS Breast Screening Programme (women aged over 47 every three years). Women over 70 may ring directly (01493 452885) to request a three yearly appointment.
Where is the department located?
Main x-ray, BMD and Ultrasound departments – Through the main entrance of the hospital, pass the cafeteria on the left, continue through the double doors and it is located directly in front of you.
Note: Some Ultrasound examinations are carried out in dedicated clinical areas i.e. Antenatal, Gynaecology Clinic.
Breast Imaging - Located on the rear corridor of the hospital opposite pathology
CT/MRI – Located on the rear corridor of the hospital – we do have a visiting mobile MR van on occasions and if you are booked for this you will be asked to attend X-ray instead. You may also be asked to attend our Northside unit, which is on our hospital site, on the north side of the main hospital – please check the location on your appointment letter.
Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) - Our new CDC is on the north side of our hospital site, behind the Louise Hamilton Centre.
The building has some short stay disabled parking facilities outside and some drop-off zones including access for ambulance and hospital transport. It does not have dedicated general parking. Car parking facilities are available at the front of the hospital where the first 30 minutes is free (after this a fee is payable.) The unit is then a short walk following the path around the Louise Hamilton Centre which is located to the right of the main hospital building. The path and surrounding area is covered by CCTV and lighting.
Find out more, see a map and watch our video of how to reach the Centre by clicking here.
Local bus services have routes that stop in front of the hospital or on Brasenose Avenue, both a short walk away.
You can see a photograph of, and read more about, the building here;
What are the opening times?
Main X-ray: 08:30 – 17:00 (24hrs through accident and emergency)
BMD: Tuesday & Thursday 08:30 - 16:30
Breast Imaging: Monday - Thursday 08:30 – 17:00; Friday 08:30 – 16:30
CT: 08:10 – 20:00 Monday to Friday and 09:00-20:00 Saturdays and Sundays.
MRI: Monday – Friday 08:00 – 20:30, occasional Saturdays and Sundays.
Ultrasound: 08:30 – 20:00.
How can I contact the department?
Breast Imaging Appointments: 01493 452 885
CT and MRI Scanning: 01493 453 260
X-ray, BMD and Ultrasound Appointments: 01493 453 659
Interventional Radiology: 01493 452 099
Northside MRI Unit
Please see below for a video about our new Northside MRI Unit.
Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC)
Please view our video about how to find the Centre below.
Key staff

Divisional Operations Manager: Steven Williams
Head of X-ray: Jill Girling
Head of CT/MRI: Mrs Anita Haylett
Head of Ultrasound: Les Samuels
Deputy Head of Breast Imaging: Deanna Minnis
Diagnostic Imaging Service Manager: Mrs Dorothy Wheatman
Radiology Sister: Suzanne Cleveland
Dr Vinod Shenoy (Clinical Lead)
Dr Fatima Abdalla
Dr Raheela Aqeel
Dr Srinivas Boddu
Dr Anthony Eka
Dr Ahmed Khan
Dr Afsar Madathil
Dr Elizabeth Musgrave
Dr Nikolaos Vachtsevanos
Dr Mark Portet
Dr Shin Azegami