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Stroke Services

Opening Times: 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year.
Telephone: 01493 452001
Location: Stroke Unit (Ward 1), first floor (east corridor). TIA clinics in the clinic room next to the Stroke Unit

The Stroke Service provides 24 hour access to stroke care.  This includes 24 hours access to clot busting treatment, Transient Ischaemic Attack (mini stroke) urgent outpatient clinics and post stroke care on the Stroke Unit.

Our specialist team of nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists are all dedicated to improve the outcomes for people after stroke.

We also work together with the Accident and Emergency Team, Ambulance Service and X-ray to achieve the targets set nationally so that people experiencing a stroke have the best possible care.

We have strong links with other organisations such as the Stroke association to provide support following a stroke.

We also refer to the Early Supported Discharge Team provided by East Coast Community Healthcare (ECCH) which provides ongoing rehabilitation in the community and aims to reduce the length of time people remain on the acute stroke unit.


What services are provided?

  • 24 hour access to thrombolysis (clot busting) for suitable cases
  • HASU (Hyperacute Stroke Unit)
  • ASU (Acute Stroke Unit)
  • Rehabilitation – physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy
  • Referral to Early Supported Discharge Team (ECCH) for stroke patients
  • TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) Clinics.

How can I get a referral?

Call an ambulance on 999

Stroke is an emergency condition

Remember FAST – Face, Arm, Speech, Time

GP’s can refer to the TIA clinic.

Key staff

Key staff

Dr Wyllie

Dr Zaidi

Dr Canepa

Stroke Nurse Specialists: Oliver Redmayne, June Fletcher

Matron: Sarah Plume

Senior Sister: Sally Carter

ESD Lead: Evie Cooper