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What is Transformation?

Transforming and redesigning our services must ultimately be about improving the quality of care, patient safety and the experience of patients.  It is also, by its nature, a means of involving and supporting staff to enable them to feel empowered to create new ideas, identifying innovative practices or new ways of working. This should encourage staff to make efficiencies in their own areas and challenge practices where inefficiencies exist in other areas.


Service transformation at JPUH

The Trust’s Transformation programme helps supports delivery of business and service change to deliver the Trust’s strategic objectives. 

We have a comprehensive change programme aligned to strategic, financial and contractual objectives. The programme represents a positive approach to development, service improvements and supporting innovation, but also recognises the need to live within our means, tackle inefficiencies and maximise opportunities to provide more cost effective services. 


How to contact us


Telephone: 01493 453124 or 01493 453192