Uro-Oncology Nursing Services
Telephone contact number - 01493 453510
Email - UrologyNurses@jpaget.nhs.uk
Opening hours - 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
The Uro-Oncology Nursing Team at the James Paget University Hospital provides specialist nursing support to all patients diagnosed with the five main urological cancers; Prostate, Bladder, Testis, Renal and Penile.
Patients diagnosed with Adrenal Cancer are also supported.
The team is part of the Norfolk and Waveney Specialist Urology Services working in collaboration with both the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital at King's Lynn.
The service has recently expanded its nursing workforce in order to develop urological services in line with current cancer initiatives and to meet 28 days national cancer diagnosis targets
Uro-Oncology Nurses offer the following;
- Support and care to both patients and their families from receiving the 2ww referral from GP.
- Fast track their investigations, avoid any delays and breaches the cancer pathway.
- Support the patients during diagnosis, treatment and signpost them to appropriate professionals as needed.
- Act as patients advocates and support the patients with follow-on care as well.
Conditions treated: Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Renal Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Penile Cancer, supports Adrenal Cancer Management.
What services are provided?
The main developments on two-week-wait cancer referral cases focus on One Stop Clinics for patents with suspected Bladder and Prostate Cancer.
- The One Stop Haematuria Clinic is established and the team is proactive in gaining prospective patients experience of the service as well as collecting data on compliance with the Faster Diagnosis Standard. This work aims to provide evidence to support development of additional clinics so more patients can benefit from the fast track service.
- In March 2022 we commenced Prostate One Stop Clinics as well which is a huge initiative for faster and early prostate cancer diagnosis.
- Nurse Led clinics are set up for bladder instillation treatments (BCG and Mitomycin).
- Nurse Led Prostate clinics are in place for monitoring and supporting Prostate Cancer patients
- Nurse Led personalised stratified follow up for patients with Prostate Cancer also will be available from Cancer Nurse Specialists in the near future including PCFU (Patient Centered Follow up).
- The nursing team supports both Urology with breaking bad news and Oncology clinics to provide a seamless and holistic approach to patients care.
- The team of Uro-Oncology nurses actively engage in supporting health promotion events, cancer awareness campaigns and also support the local prostate cancer support group.
How can I get a referral?
Referrals come through the urology consultant, but patients, relatives and carers can contact us directly.
Key staff

Uro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialists
Siji Blinto
Jincy Bilgy
Uro-Oncology Nurses
Katie Crosby
Wendy Keenan
June Howard
Bincy Baby