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CLIP (Collaborative Learning in Practice)

CLiP is a student model that supports a coaching approach in practice rather than one to one mentoring. The James Paget University Hospital in collaboration with Health Education East of England, the UEA, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Kings Lynn introduced the pilot in august of 2014, several other wards are now hosting the model, coachingl has allowed the trust to develop the knowledge and skills of the student nurses whilst increasing the number of students on placement at the trust.

Ward 1, Ward 4, Ward 11, Neonatal Unit, EADU and ward 5 are among a few of the 11 areas now hosting this coaching model withing the Trust; the ward staff have embraced the model and the student nurses are given postitive feedback over their placement experiences. 

CLiP is no longer a pilot and is now business as usual; the wards hosting CLiP will continue to support the model in practice, with further areas adopting the model.

CLIP - Two women who are standing up hold a white board between them. The board reads 'Alcohol withdrawal detox regime' and outlines purpose, practice and treatment

‘Real Collaboration, mental health and adult nursing students present together on a topic that covers both fields’