Student Nurses, Preceptorship and Rotation information
For Student Nurses at JPUH we facilitate, plan & co-ordinate;
- Student Induction programme
- Yearly Mandatory Training programme
- Clinical Skills Programme where Specialist Nurses provide a teaching session on their speciality eg Wound Care, Dementia care, Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Failure
- Interview Skills day which includes completing a mock application form and attending a mock interview. Full constructive feedback given.
- S/O STN Clinical Skills Sessions
- Placement Summary Meeting- invited to discuss placements similar to coffee and catch up drop in session.
- Support within the Clinical environment
We offer Rotation Development Programmes for newly qualified nurses (RDP). This includes;
- An opportunity to gain quality experience within the 3 main domains of acute healthcare which comprises of 6 months Medical experience, 6 months Surgical experience and 6 months Emergency Experience
- 4 day induction programme
- Monthly targeted training sessions including training on expanded skills
- Dedicated Clinical educator
- Guaranteed platform into further education
- 12 month preceptorship programme as above.
For Acute Nurses RDP:
- A 3 day Induction programme to the Trust
- A suitable supernumery period of at least 2 weeks
- Protected Preceptorship time
- Preceptorship training
- An assigned preceptor who has been trained in the role
- Dedicated Clinical Educator for Preceptorship
- Clinical supervision.
Learning Disability Nurses RDP:
An opportunity to gain quality experience within acute healthcare which comprises of 6 months in 3 acute wards:
- 2 week induction programme
- Monthly targeted training sessions including training sessions including training on expanded skills
- Dedicated Clinical Educator
- Guaranteed platform into further education
- 12 month preceptorship programme as above.