Previous INMPP project titles
- Jacky Copping: “Implementation of a post-operative checklist”
- Cherrell Taylor:“Will patients with deteriorating medical / surgical condition complex needs, giving cause for concern and high early warning scores (EWS) have prompter interventions and care if an ABCDE framework tool is used in conjunction with a structured RSVP communication tool?
- Barry Pinkney:“Could a key worker enhance care that is provided for a patient with a fractured neck of femur from admission through to discharge?”
- Karen Flores:“Rejuvenate” Breast care healthy living programme
- Nicola Lovett: “Teenage Kicks – A Guide to Pregnancy” (published booklet)
- Fiona Lang:“Arterialised capillary blood gas sampling for the continuing management of patients requiring bi-level non-invasive ventilation for the management of Type II respiratory failure as a result of acute exacerbation of COPD”
- Gilly Briej and Suzie Robinson: “Proposal to evaluate a nurse assessment role in Accident and Emergency”
- Michelle Butt (Mantripp): “The lived experience of coping with a rehabilitating partner who has survived a critical illness”
- Barry Pinkney: “Is nutrition and hydration enhanced for dementia patients within an acute hospital setting by the introduction of an ‘All about me’ information card?
- Joanna Keable: “A service evaluation – Implementing and evaluating a screening tool and teaching session (domestic abuse) for midwives.
- Michaela Woods: “Using a health promotion intervention to reduce in-patient hospital falls within the JPUH”
- Linda Ewart: “Exploring the benefits of promoting family-centred care (FCC) within acute adult in-patient healthcare setting” (publication)
- Cherry Townsend: “Develop, implement and evaluate a training programme to improve customer service at the JPUH”
- Shawn Walker: “Core competencies for practitioners of external cephalic version” (publication pending)