Publications by JPUH staff
Clinical staff
Nursing staff
Claire Gibbs (see also Claire Whitehouse)
Gibbs, C.L, Greaves , A. Keeling, M., Gaw, A .and O'Neill, F. (2015) ‘Clinical research benefits go viral via Twitter’, Nursing Times. 111(19), pp. 16-17
Gibbs, C.L and Lowton, K. (2012) ‘The role of the clinical research nurse’, Nursing Standard. 26 (27), pp. 37-40.
DOI: 10.7748/ns2012.
Ali Thayne
Ransome, P.J. and Thayne, A. (2017) ‘Embedded Library services within the Specialist Dementia care team at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’, in: Proceedings of European Association of Health & Information Librarians (EAHIL) and International Health Librarians (IHL) Conference Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 12- 16 June 2017.
Ransome, P. J. and Thayne, A. (2017) ‘Embedded Library services within the Specialist Dementia care team at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’, Health Libraries Group Newsletter. 34(4), pp. 5-7. Available at: (Accessed: 6 August 2018).
Claire Whitehouse (see also Claire Gibbs)
Whitehouse, C.L. (2017) ‘Nursing students' experience of research during clinical placements’, Nursing Standard. 31(38), pp. 47-55.
DOI: 10.7748/ns.2017.e10539
Dr Pieter Bothma
Bothma, P. (2015) ‘Pneumothorax in the hyperbaric chamber: easier and earlier diagnosis with ultrasound’, Undersea & hyperbaric medicine. 42(6), p. 619.
Glover, M., Smerdon G.R., Andreyev, H.J., Benton, BE., Bothma, P., Glover, M., Smerdon, G.R., Firth, O., Gothard, L., Harrison, J., Ignatescu, M., Laden, G., Martin, S., Maynard, L., McCann, D., Penny, C.E.L., Phillips, S., Sharp, G. and Yarnold, J. (2016) ‘Hyperbaric oxygen for patients with chronic bowel dysfunction after pelvic radiotherapy (HOT2): a randomised, double-blind, sham-controlled phase 3 trial’, The Lancet Oncology. 17(2), pp. 224-233.
Guirindola, B. and Bothma, P. (2015) ‘Recognising air embolism as a complication of vascular access’, British Journal of Nursing. 24(2), p. S17. DOI 10.12968/bjon.2015.24.Sup2.S17
Bothma, P. and Oosthuysen, S. (2004) ‘Read the label: blue may have become red’, South African Medical Journal . 94(3), p. 142.
Mr Kamal Aryal
Rajbhandari ,S.P., Aryal, K., Sheldon, W.R., Ban B; Upreti, S.R. Regmi, K., Aryal, ,S and Winikoff, B. (2017) ‘Postpartum hemorrhage prevention in Nepal: a program assessment’, BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 17 (1), p. 169.
DOI: 10.1186/s12884-017-1347-z
Castren, E.E., Hakeem, A.R., Mahmood, N.S. and Aryal, K .(2016) ‘Case of pneumatosis intestinalis and hepatic portal venous gas following a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy’, BMJ case reports. 2016.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2016-214431
Lee, J.Z. and Aryal, K. (2015) ‘A Rare Cause of Postprandial Abdominal Pain’, Journal of surgical technique and case report. 7(1), pp. 12-13.
DOI: 10.4103/2006-8808.184936
Dr Paul Banim referenced as Banim, P.J.R and Banim, P.
Banim, P.J.R., Luben, R., Khaw, K-T. and Hart, A.R. (2018) ‘Dietary oleic acid is inversely associated with pancreatic cancer - Data from food diaries in a cohort study’, Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology. (no vol/issue info)
DOI: 10.1016/j.pan.2018.07.004
Beaney, A. J., Banim, P.J.R., Luben, R., Lentjes, M.A.H., Khaw, K.T. and Hart, A.R. (2017) ‘Higher meat intake is positively associated with higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer in an age-dependent manner and are Modified by plasma antioxidants: a prospective cohort study (EPIC-Norfolk) using data from food diaries’, Pancreas. 46(5), pp. 672-678.
DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000819
Koulouris, A.I., Banim, P. and Hart, A.R. (2017) ‘Pain in patients with pancreatic cancer: prevalence, mechanisms, management and future developments’, Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 62(4), pp. 861-870.
DOI: 10.1007/s10620-017-4488-z
Noor, N.M. , Banim, P.J.R., Luben, R.N., Khaw, K-T. and Hart, A.R.( 2016) ‘Investigating physical activity in the etiology of pancreatic cancer: the age at which this is measured is important and is independent of body mass index’, Pancreas. 45(3), p. 388-393.
Lam, S. and Banim, P. (2014) ‘Massive loculated pleural effusion in a patient with pancreatic pseudocyst due to alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis’, BMJ case reports, 2014.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-204032
Banim, P.J.R., Luben, R., McTaggart, A., Welch, A., Wareham, N., Khaw, K-T and Hart, A.R. (2013) ‘Dietary antioxidants and the aetiology of pancreatic cancer: a cohort study using data from food diaries and biomarkers’, Gut. 62 (10), p. 1489-1496.
DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2011-301908
Banim, P. J .R., Luben, R.N., Bulluck, H.,Sharp, S.J., Wareham, N. J., Khaw, K-T. and Hart, A.R. (2011) The aetiology of symptomatic gallstones quantification of the effects of obesity, alcohol and serum lipids on risk. ‘Epidemiological and biomarker data from a UK prospective cohort study (EPIC-Norfolk)’, European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 23(8), pp. 733-740.
DOI: 10.1097/MEG.0b013e3283477cc9
Banim, P.J.R., Luben, R.N., Wareham, N.J;.,Sharp, S.J., Khaw, K-T. and Hart, A.R. (2010) ‘Physical activity reduces the risk of symptomatic gallstones: a prospective cohort study’, European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2(8), pp. 983-988.
Professor Ben Burton referenced as Burton, B., Burton, B.J. and Burton, B.J.L.
Burton J.L. and Burton B.J.L. (1997) Aids to Undergraduate Medicine. 7th edn, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
ISBN-13: 978-0443056925
Chapters in books
Burton B.J.L. (2011) ‘Questions (ophthalmology)’, in “PASSit” online MRCP part 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011.
Burton, B.J.L. (2009) ‘The Eye’, in Watts, R., Clunie, G., Hall, F. and Marshall, T. (eds) (2009). Oxford Desk reference: Rheumatology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ISBN-13: 978-0199229994
Burton, B.J.L., Acheson, J. and Plant, G. (2007) ‘Neuro-ophthalmology’, in: Jackson. T.L. (ed) The Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology. Mosby.
ISBN-13: 978-1416025726
Burton, B.J.L. (2007) ‘Neuro-ophthalmology’ , in Kanski, J.J. (ed) Clinical Ophthalmology: A systematic approach. 6th edn. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.
ISBN-13: 978-0080449692
Burton, B.J.L. and Mehta J.S. (2007) ‘Ophthalmology’, in Lim, E. Loke, Y.K. and Thompson, A. (eds) Medicine and Surgery: An Integrated Textbook with student consult online access. Churchill Livingstone.
Burton, B.J.L. Hobart J. and Thompson AJ. (2002). ‘Neurology’ ,in Multimedia Postgraduate Medicine - Revision and Self Assessment for the MRCP Part 1. (1998) [CD-ROM] Raj, G. and Kelsey M. H.(eds) Academic Press. Available: CRC Press.
ISBN-13: 978-9057021633
(This is a neurology chapter in an MCQ self-test compact disc with extended fully illustrated answers developed by doctors at the Whittington Hospital).
Burton, B.J.L, Shah P. (2001) ‘Central Serous Chorioretinopathy’, in Taylor, R.H., Shah, P., Murray, I. and Burdon, A. Key Topics in Ophthalmology, 2nd edn, CRC Press.
Burton, B.J.L. (1994) ‘Statistics’, in Burton J.L. & Healey C.J. Aids to Postgraduate Medicine, 6th edn, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
ISBN-13: 978-0443049132
Published papers
Burton B.J.L. (2016) ‘Medically Unexplained Visual Loss’, The East European Journal of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. 2(?), pp.21-27.
Kidd D.P., Burton B.J., Graham E.M. and Plant G.T. (2016) ‘Optic neuropathy associated with systemic sarcoidosis’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation. 3 (5), p. e270.
Gohil, R., Crosby-Nwaobi ,R., Forbes, A., Burton B.J., Hykin, P., and Sivaprasad, S. (2016) ‘Treatment satisfaction of patients undergoing ranibizumab therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in a real-life setting’, Patient Prefer Adherence. 26(10), pp. 949-55.
Raja, M.S., Saldana, M., Goldsmith, C. and Burton B.J.L. (2014) ‘Ranibizumab for neovascular AMD in eyes with good baseline visual acuity.Re: UK AMD EMR U SERS GROUP REPORT V: benefits of initiating ranibizumab therapy for neovascular AMD in eyes with vision better than 6/12’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 306229
Pearce, I., Banerjee, S., Burton, B.J.L., Chakravarthy, U., Downey, L., Gale, R., Gibson, J., Pagliarini, S., Patel, J., Sivaprasad, S., Andrews, C., Brittain C and Warburton J on behalf of the RELIGHT Study Group. (2015) ‘Ranibizumab 0.5 mg for diabetic macular edema with bimonthly monitoring after a phase of initial treatment: results of the 18 month multicenter phase IIIB RELIGHT study’, Ophthalmology. 122(9), pp.1811-1819.
Gohil, R., Crosby-Nwaobi, R., Forbes, A., Burton, B., Hykin, P. and Sivaprasad, S. Caregiver (2015) Burden in Patients Receiving Ranibizumab Therapy for Neovascular Age Related Macular Degeneration. PLoS One.
Khatib, T., Hughes, P.W. and Burton B.J.L. (2014) ‘Unilateral choroidal granulomas complicated by choroidal neovascular membrane treated successfully with intravitreal triamcinolone in a patient with sarcoidosis’, BMJ Case Reports.
Stanojcic N., Raja, M. and Burton B.J.L. (2014) ‘Choroidal Thinning and “Stair-Case” Foveal Sign in A Patient With Alport Syndrome’, Retinal Cases and Brief Reports. 8(1), pp. 52–5.
Best, J., Silvestri, G. Burton, B., Foot,B. and Acheson, J. (2013) ‘The Incidence of Blindness Due to Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in the UK’, Open Ophthalmology Journal . 28(7), pp. 26-29.
Raja, M.S., Goldsmith, C. and Burton, B.J. (2013) Outer retinal tubulations in maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDD)-associated macular dystrophy. Graefes Archives for Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology. (9), pp.2265-7.
Raja, M.S,,Goldsmith C. and Burton B.J. (2013) ‘Management of small choroidal melanocytic tumour’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 97(2), p.241.
Boukouvala, S., Giakoup-Oglou, I., Puvanachandra, N. and Burton B.J. (2012) ‘Sequential right then left acute dacryoadenitis in Crohn's disease’, BMJ Case Reports.
Raja, M., Goldsmith C. and Burton B.J.L. (2011) ‘Spontaneous resolution of full-thickness macular hole in retinitis pigmentosa’, BMJ Case Reports .
Raja, M., Saldana, C., Goldsmith ,C . and Burton, B. J. L. (2010) ‘Ranibizumab treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in patients with good baseline visual acuity (better than 6/12): 12-month outcomes’, British Journal of Ophthamology. 94(11), pp. 1543-1545.
Nga, E.L.M., Sadullah, S., Gomez, C.A., Burton. B.J.L. (. 2010) ‘CMV retinitis post Rituximab therapy: a case report’ , European Journal of Cancer (Suppl.) (?).
Raja, M.S., Goldsmith, C. and Burton, B.J. (2010) ‘Intraocular inflammation with intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin)’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 94(4), p.525.
Ohn ,M.T., Gupta, D., Burton, B.J. (2009) ‘Amitriptyline for pain control in scleritis may help to avoid excessive steroid use in selected cases: a case report’, Cases Journal. 2(?), p. 8148.
Raja, M.S., Marshall, T. and Burton B.J. (2009) ‘Acute central retinal artery occlusion presenting as CREST syndrome: a case report’, Cases Journal. 2(1), p. 9.
Gupta, D., Burton B.,Goldsmith C., Ohn, M., and Raja, M. (2008) ‘Latrogenic retinal detachment due to cannula slippage despite use of luer-lock syringe system’, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 34 p. 1612.
Zachariah S, Sharfi O, Burton B.J.L., Nussey SS, Bano G. (2007) ‘Diabetic papillopathy diagnosed on retinal screening in an asymptomatic patient’, The British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, 7, pp. 140-141.
Zaidi, F.H., Corbett, M.C., Burton B.J.L. and Bloom P.A. (2007) ‘Raising the benchmark for the 21st century: the 1000 cataract operations audit and survey: outcomes, consultant-supervised training and sourcing NHS choice’, British Journal of Ophthamology. 91(6), pp. 731-6.
Burton B.J.L., Breen, R.A.M., Janossy, G., Acheson. J.F. and Lipman, M.C.I. (2006) ‘Use of pulmonary interferon-gamma responses to mycobacterial antigen to distinguish sarcoid-associated optic neuropathy from tuberculosis’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 90(6), pp. 802-3.
Burton B.J., Cunningham E.T. Jr, Cree I.A. and Pavesio, C .E. (2005) ‘Eye involvement mimicking scleritis in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia’, British Journal of Ophthalmology .89(6), pp. 775-6.
Fernando A., Burton B.J.L., Smith G. and Corbett M.C. (2005) ‘Autologous serum drop-dependent re-epithelialisation following penetrating keratoplasty in chronic graft vs host disease’, Eye. 19(7), pp. 823-825.
Burton B.J., Holder G.E. and Duguid, G. and Gregory-Evans, K. (2005) ‘Optical coherence tomography findings in benign concentric annular dystrophy’, Eye. 19(6), pp.699-701.
Burton B.J.L., Dawson, E. and Lee J. (2004) ‘Adherence syndrome following inferior oblique surgery: management and outcome of 14 cases’, Strabismus. 12(3), pp. 169-174.
Khan, S.R., Burton, B.J.L., Beaconsfield, M. and Rose, G.E. (2004) ‘The varix of angular vein’, Eye. 18(6), pp. 645-647.
Islam N, Mireskandari K, Burton B.J.L. and Rose GE. (2004) ‘Orbital varices, cranial defects, and encephaloceles: an unrecognized association’, Ophthalmology. 111(6), pp. 1244-1247.
Burton B.J.L., Fernando A., Odufuwa T.O. and Vogt U. (2004) ‘Contact lens clinic audit contact lens prescribing in a specialist medical contact lens clinic based in an NHS Hospital: an audit of changing practice’, Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice. 30(2), pp. 87-89.
Burton, B.J.L., Islam, N., Plant, G.T. and Rose, G.E. (2004) ‘Double jeopardy: brain abscess and subdural empyema presenting with painful enlargement of orbital varices in a patient with known encephalocele’, Eye. 18(1), pp. 79-81.
Burton, B.J., Khan, S.R. and Lee, J.P. (2003) ‘Chronic eye movement induced pain and a possible role for its treatment with botulinum toxin’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 87(9), pp. 1194-1195.
Kidd, D., Burton, B.J.L., Plant, G.T. and Graham, E.M. (2003) ‘Chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy (CRION)’, Brain. 126, pp. 276-284.
Burton, B.J.L. and Joseph, J. (2002) ‘Changing visual standards in driving - but a high proportion of eye patients still drive illegally’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 86(12), pp. 1454-1455.
Burton B.J.L., Assi, A. and Pavesio, C. (2001) ‘Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome presenting as a severe systemic illness’, Eye. 15(2), pp. 228-229.
Burton B.J.L., Burdon M., Holton J.L., Thom M. and Plant G.T. (1999) ‘Fibrous dysplasia of the sphenoid associated with visual loss and optic disc oedema’, Neuro-ophthalmology; 21, pp. 241-248.
Burton B.J.L. and Hamilton A.M.P. (1999) ‘Inferior oblique myectomy using monopolar cutting diathermy resulting in bilateral retinal scarring’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 83(3), pp .374-375.
Burton B.J.L. and Adams, G.G.W. (1998) ‘Persistent pupillary membranes’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 82(6), pp. 711-712.
Burton B.J.L., Leff, A. and Plant GT. (1998) ‘Steroid-responsive HIV optic neuropathy’, Journal of Neuro-ophthalmology. 18 (?), pp. 25-29.
Burton B.J.L., Kumar, V.G.R., and Bradford R. (1997) ‘Granular cell tumour of the spinal cord in a patient with Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome’, British Journal of Neurosurgery. 11(3), pp. 257-259.
Foo, M., Burton B.J.L. and Ahmed, R. (1995) ‘Phaeochromocytoma’, British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 54 (7) pp. 318-321.
Burton, B.J.L., Kallis, P., Bishop, C., Swanton, R.H., Pattison, C.W. (1995) ‘Aortic root replacement and extra-anatomic bypass for interrupted aortic arch in an adult’, Annals of Thoracic Surgery; 60:pp. 1400-2.
Burton B.J.L. (1994) ‘Prevention of skin cancer’, West of England Medical Journal, 108(9), pp. 44-46.
Burton B.J.L. (1992) ‘Tuberculosis, the next plague’, West of England Medical Journal. 107(2), pp. 37-38.
Mr Tom Butler
Kiel, A.W. Butler, T. and Gregson, R. (2003) ‘A novel use for trypan blue to minimize epithelial cell proliferation in pediatric cataract surgery’, Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. 40 (2), pp. 96-97.
Dr Carlo Canepa
Canepa C., Srinivasan R. and Muhith A. (2017) ‘Reversible and unilateral corticospinal tract disease secondary to autoimmune free-T3-thyrotoxicosis’, BMJ case reports. 2017.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-221322
Canepa C., Burton B; and Muhith, A. (2017) ‘An elusive ciliopathy: Joubert syndrome’,
BMJ case reports 2017.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-220459
Martin, T.D. and Canepa, C. (2016) ‘Forgetting to remember: hypoglycaemic encephalopathy ‘,
BMJ case reports. 2016.
DOI 10.1136/bcr-2016-217954
Canepa, C. and Arias, L. (2016) ‘Partial interhemispheric disconnection syndrome (P-IHDS) secondary to Marchiafava-Bignami disease type B (MBD-B)’, BMJ case reports; 2016
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2016-216823
Canepa, C. (2016) ‘Park sleep: a non-motor dominant Parkinson's disease phenotype’,BMJ Case Reports. 2016.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2016-215213
Canepa, C. and Venu, M. (2016) ‘Progressive bilateral ophthalmoparesis--a case of simultaneous autoimmunity: balancing Graves' ophthalmoparesis and ocular myasthenia’, BMJ case reports; 2016.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2015-213395
Canepa, C. and Dasgupta, A. (2015) ‘A deceitful stroke, a hidden tumour’,
BMJ Case Reports. 2015.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2015-211793
Canepa, C. and Dasgupta, A. (2014) ‘Three cases of Spontaneous Vertebral Artery Dissection (SVAD), resulting in two cases of Wallenberg syndrome and one case of Foville syndrome in young, healthy men’, BMJ case reports 2014.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-203945
Dr. Jim Crawfurd
Wade, R.G., Crawfurd, J., Wade, D. and Holland, R. (2015) ‘Radial artery blood gas sampling: a randomized controlled trial of lidocaine local anesthesia’, Journal of evidence-based medicine. 8 (4), pp. 185-191
DOI: 10.1111/jebm.12177
Mr Steven Cutts
Mansell S.K., Cutts, S., Hackney, I.,Wood M.J., Hawksworth, K., Creer, D.D., Kilbride, C. and Mandal, S. (2018) ‘Using domiciliary non-invasive ventilator data downloads to inform clinical decision-making to optimise ventilation delivery and patient compliance’, BMJ open respiratory research; 2018; vol. 5 (1);,p. e000238
DOI: 10.1136/bmjresp-2017-000238
Cutts, S, Talboys, R., Paspula, C., Prempeh, E.M., Fanous, R. and Ail, D. (2017) ‘Adult respiratory distress syndrome’, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeon, (England). 99 (?) pp.12-16.
Pecheva, M., Devany, A.,,Nourallah, B., Cutts, S. and Pasapula, C. (2017) ‘Long-term follow-up of patients undergoing tibialis posterior transfer: is acquired pes planus a complication?’, Foot. 34, pp. 83-89.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foot.2017.11.008
Cutts, S.,Talboys R., Paspula C., Ail, D., Premphe and Fanous, R. (2016) ‘History of acute respiratory distress syndrome’, The Lancet Respiratory medicine. 4(7), pp. 547-548.
DOI: 10.1016/S2213-2600(16)30087-X
Miss Sue Down
Down, S.K., Lucas, O., Benson, J.R. and Wishart, G.C. (2014) ‘Effect of PREDICT on chemotherapy/trastuzumab recommendations in HER2-positive patients with early-stage breast cancer’, Oncology letters. 8(6), pp. 2757-2761.
DOI: 10.3892/ol.2014.2589
Down, S.K., Pereira, J.H., Leinster, S. and Simpson, A. (2013) ‘Training the oncoplastic breast surgeon-current and future perspectives’, Gland surgery . 2 (3), pp. 126-127.
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2227-684X.2013.06.02
Down, S.K., Jha, P.K., Burger, A. and Hussien, M.I. (2013) ‘Oncological advantages of oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery in treatment of early breast cancer’, The Breast Journal. 19(1), pp. 56-63
DOI 10.1111/tbj.12047
Mannu, G.S., Farooq, N., Down, S., Burger, A. and Hussien, M.I. (2013) ‘Avoiding back wound dehiscence in extended latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction’, ANZ journal of surgery. 83 (5), pp. 359-364.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2012.06292.x
Down SK; Nicolic, M., Abdulkarim, H., Skelton N., Harris, A.H., Down, S.K., Nicolic, M., A.H. and Koak, Y. (2010) ‘Low ninety-day re-admission rates after emergency and elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a district general hospital’, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 92 (4), pp. 307-310.
DOI: 10.1308/003588410X12664192075053
Author(s) Badurdeen, S., Abdul-Samad, O., Story, G., Wilson, C., Down, S and Harris, A. (2010) ‘Nintendo Wii video-gaming ability predicts laparoscopic skill’, Surgical endoscopy. 24 (8), p. 1824-1828
DOI: 10.1007/s00464-009-0862-z
Craig Goldsmith
Raja, M.S., Goldsmith, C. and Burton, B.J. (2013) Outer retinal tubulations in maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDD)-associated macular dystrophy. Graefes Archives for Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology. (9), pp.2265-7.
Raja, M.S., Goldsmith C. and Burton B.J. (2013) ‘Management of small choroidal melanocytic tumour’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 97(2), p.241.
Raja, M., Goldsmith C. and Burton B.J.L. (2011) ‘Spontaneous resolution of full-thickness macular hole in retinitis pigmentosa’, BMJ Case Reports .
Raja, M., Saldana, C., Goldsmith ,C . and Burton, B. J. L. (2010) ‘Ranibizumab treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in patients with good baseline visual acuity (better than 6/12): 12-month outcomes’, British Journal of Ophthamology. 94(11), pp. 1543-1545.
Raja, M.S., Goldsmith, C. and Burton, B.J. (2010) ‘Intraocular inflammation with intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin)’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 94(4), p.525.
Gupta, D., Burton B., Goldsmith C., Ohn, M., and Raja, M. (2008) ‘Latrogenic retinal detachment due to cannula slippage despite use of luer-lock syringe system’, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 34 p. 1612.
Mr Roshan Lal
ELHadi, A., Ashford-Wilson, S., Brown, S., Pal, A., Lal, R. and Aryal, K. (2016) ‘Effect of Social Deprivation on the Stage and Mode of Presentation of Colorectal Cancer’, Annals of coloproctology. 32(4), pp. 128-132.
Turnbull, H.L., Duckworth, A.M., Velchuru V.R. and Lal, R. (2009) ‘An unusual case of a scalp abscess’, British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 70(5), p. 297.
Dr Stephen Lam
Lam, S. and Banim, P. (2014) ‘Massive loculated pleural effusion in a patient with pancreatic pseudocyst due to alcohol-related chronic pancreatitis’, BMJ case reports, 2014.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-204032
Dr William Notcutt referred to as Notcutt, W.G. and Notcutt, W.
Notcutt, W. (2016) ‘Cannabinoids’, British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 77(5), p. C78.
DOI: 10.12968/hmed.2016.77.5.C78
Notcutt, W.G. (2015) ‘Clinical Use of Cannabinoids for Symptom Control in Multiple Sclerosis’, Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics. 12(4), pp. 769-777.
DOI: 10.1007/s13311-015-0383-5
Notcutt, W.G. (2014) ‘Early management of complex regional pain syndrome is crucial’, BMJ (Clinical research ed. 349, p.4704
Serpell, M.G., Notcutt, W. and Collin, C. (2013) ‘Sativex long-term use: an open-label trial in patients with spasticity due to multiple sclerosis’, Journal of neurology.260 (1), pp. 285-295.
DOI: 10.1007/s00415-012-6634-z
Notcutt W.G. (2013) ‘A questionnaire survey of patients and carers of patients prescribed Sativex as an unlicensed medicine’, Primary health care research & development. 14(2), pp. 192-199.
DOI: 10.1017/S1463423612000333
Notcutt, W, and Gibbs, G. (2010) ‘Inadequate pain management: myth, stigma and professional fear’, Postgraduate medical journal. 86 (1018), pp. 453-458.
DOI: 10.1136/pgmj.2008.077677
Notcutt, W.G. (2009) ‘Surgeons and safety’, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 102(11), p. 458.
DOI: 10.1258/jrsm.2009.09k059
Notcutt, W., Rangappa, Mills, P.M and Penfold N. (2003) ‘A response to 'Cannabis abuse and anaesthesia', Anaesthesia 58: 1125. Anaesthesia. 59(5), p. 518.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2004.03783.x
Notcutt, W., Price, M., Miller, R., Newport, S., Phillips, C., Simmons, S. and Sansom, C. (2004) ‘Initial experiences with medicinal extracts of cannabis for chronic pain: results from 34 'N of 1' studies’, Anaesthesia. 59(5), pp. 440-452.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2004.03674.x
Notcutt, W.G. (2003) ‘Care of dying patients: Education in palliative care for all’, BMJ (Clinical research ed. 326(7388), p. 552.
DOI: 10.1136/bmj.326.7388.552/a
Notcutt, W. (2002) ‘Complexity science: New approaches to evaluation of treatment are needed’, BMJ (Clinical research ed. 324(7330), pp. 171-172.
Zaman, M.D. (2017) ‘Peristomal Dermatitis – poster presentation , European conference of clinical case reports’, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 March.
Mr Muhammad Raja
Raja, M.,Goldsmith C. and Burton B.J.L. (2011) ‘Spontaneous resolution of full-thickness macular hole in retinitis pigmentosa’, BMJ Case Reports.
Raja, M., Saldana, C., Goldsmith ,C . and Burton, B. J. L. (2010) ‘Ranibizumab treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in patients with good baseline visual acuity (better than 6/12): 12-month outcomes’, British Journal of Ophthamology. 94(11), pp. 1543-1545.
Raja, M.S., Saldana, M., Goldsmith, C. and Burton B.J.L. (2014) ‘Ranibizumab for neovascular AMD in eyes with good baseline visual acuity.Re: UK AMD EMR U SERS GROUP REPORT V: benefits of initiating ranibizumab therapy for neovascular AMD in eyes with vision better than 6/12’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 306229
Raja, M.S., Goldsmith, C. and Burton, B.J. (2010) ‘Intraocular inflammation with intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin)’, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 94(4), p.525.
Raja, M.S., Marshall, T. and Burton B.J. (2009) ‘Acute central retinal artery occlusion presenting as CREST syndrome: a case report’, Cases Journal. 2(1), p. 9.
Gupta, D., Burton B.,Goldsmith C., Ohn, M., and Raja, M. (2008) ‘Latrogenic retinal detachment due to cannula slippage despite use of luer-lock syringe system’, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 34 p. 1612.
Dr Shalal Sadullah
Follows, G.A., Ardeshna, K.M., Barrington, S.F., Culligan, D.J., Hoskin, P.J., Linch, D., Sadullah, S., Williams, M.V., and Wimperis, J.Z. -The British Committee for Standards in Haematology (2014) 'Guidelines for the first line management of classical Hodgkin lymphoma' , British Journal of Haematology. 166(1), pp. 34-49.
DOI: 10.1111/bjh.12878
Czepulkowski, B., Saunders, K., Pocock, C. and Sadullah, S. (2003) ‘Mosaic trisomy 2 in myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloblastic leukemias’, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 145(1), pp. 78-81.
Sadullah, S., Nagesh, K., Johnston, D., McCullough, J.B., Murray, F., et al. (1996) ‘Recurrent septicaemia in a neutropenic patient with typhlitis’, Clinical and Laboratory Haematology. 18(3); pp. 215-217.
Abbas, A., Snijders, R.J. Sadullah, S., Nicolaides, K.H. (1994) ‘Fetal blood ferritin and cobalamin in normal pregnancy’, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy. 9 (1), pp. 14-18.
Hamblin, T.J., Sadullah, S., Williamson, P., Stevenson, J., Oskam, R .,et al. (1993) ‘A phase-III study of recombinant interleukin 2 and 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer’, British Journal of Cancer. 68(6), pp. 1186-1189.
Kruger, A., Sadullah, S., Chapman, R., Hodges, E., Mould, S., et al. (1993) ‘Use of a retinoblastoma gene probe to investigate clonality in Richter's syndrome’, Leukemia. 7 11), pp. 1891-1895.
Sadullah, S., Kruger, A.R., Barrington Onslow, S., Armitage, M. and Oscier, D.G. (1992) ‘A patient with monosomy 7 and polyuria’, Leukemia Research. 16(6-7), pp. 711-715.
Sadullah, S., Kruger, A., Clarke, N. and Bell, A (1992 ) ’Use of Mesterolone, a non-alkylated anabolic steroid, in myelofibrosis’, Clinical and Laboratory Haematology. 14(4), pp. 335-336.
Hamblin, T.J., Inzani, V., Sadullah, S., Stevenson, F.K., Williamson, P. et al. (1989) ‘A phase-II trial of recombinant interleukin-2 and 5-FU chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma’, Cancer Treatment Reviews. 16.
Copplestone, J.A., Worsley, A., Sadullah, S. and Hamblin, T.J. (1986) ‘Nafazatrom in thrombocytopenic purpura’, Lancet. 1(8479). pp. 498-499.
Dr Justin Zaman (referred to as Zaman, J and Zaman, M.J.
Jemni, M., Zaman, M.J., La Rocca, D. and Tabacchi, G. (2017) 2. ‘Southern Italian teenagers: the older they get, the unfit they become with girls worse than boys: a cohort epidemiological study: The adolescents surveillance system for the obesity prevention project (ASSO).’, Medicine. 96 (51); p. e8810.
DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008810
Zaman, M.J . (2017) ‘Cost saving is nothing to be proud of’, British medical Journal. 358 ; p. j3428
Zaman, M.J . (2017) ‘Four hour target for emergency departments isn't clinically sound’, British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.); 356 p. j737
Deaton, C., Johnson, R., Evans, M., Timmis A., Zaman, J. Hemingway, H., Hughes, J., Feder, G. and Cramer, H. 5. (2017) ‘Aligning the planets: The role of nurses in the care of patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction’, Nursing Open; 4 (1); pp. 49-56.
DOI: 10.1002/nop2.69
Zaman, M.J., Kwok C.S., Bachmann, M.O., Mamas, M.A. and Myint, P.K . (2016) ‘Explaining inequalities in receipt of care in the older patient with acute coronary syndrome’,European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes. 2 (2); pp. 59-61.
DOI: 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcw011
Zaman, M.J., Fleetcroft, R., Bachmann, M., Sarev T., Stirling S., Zaman M.J; Fleetcroft, R. Clark, A. and Myint, P.K. (2016) ‘Association of increasing age with receipt of specialist care and long-term mortality in patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction’,Age and ageing. 45 (1, pp. 96-103.
DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afv162
Hu, Z., Zaman, M.J., Wang, J., Peacock, J.L and Chen, R. (2015) ‘Correlates of Untreated Hypercholesterolemia in Older Adults: A Community-Based Household Survey in China’, PloS one; 10 (7). p. e0131318.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131318
Zaman, M.J. (2015) ‘Risk prediction (or crystal ball gazing) for coronary disease’,
European Heart Journal.Quality of care & clinical outcomes; 1 (1); pp. 7-8.
DOI: 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcv006
Junghans, C., Sekhri , N., Zaman, M.J., Hemingway, H., Feder, G.S. And Timmis, A. (2015) ‘Atypical chest pain in diabetic patients with suspected stable angina: impact on diagnosis and coronary outcomes’, European Heart Journal.Quality of care & clinical outcomes. 1(1), pp. 37-43.
DOI: 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcv003
Zaman, M. J. (2014) Commentary: no smoke without fire-the continuing menace of the betel nut in the world's most vulnerable populations. International journal of epidemiology 43(4), pp. 1183-1186.
DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyu069
Zaman, M.J., Stirling, S., Shepstone, L., Ryding, A., Flather, M., Bachmann, M. and Myint, P.K . (2014) ‘The association between older age and receipt of care and outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a cohort study of the Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project (MINAP)’, European Heart Journal. 35(23), pp. 1551-1558.
DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehu039
Xie G., Myint P.K., Zaman M.J., Li Y., Zhao, L., Shi, P., Ren F. and Wu Y (2013) ‘Relationship of serum interleukin-10 and its genetic variations with ischemic stroke in a Chinese general population’, PloS one. 8 (9), p. e74126.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074126
Zaman, M.J., Philipson, P., Chen R., Farag, A., Shipley M., Marmot MG; Timmis AD; Hemingway H (2013) South Asians and coronary disease: is there discordance between effects on incidence and prognosis? Heart (British Cardiac Society); 99 (10); pp. 729-736.
DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2012-302925
Mannu, G.S., Zaman, M.J., Gupta, A., Rehman, H.U. and Myint, P.K. (2012) Update on guidelines for management of hypercholesterolemia. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy; 10 (10), pp. 1239-1249.
DOI: 10.1586/erc.12.94
Zaman, M.J. and Bhopal, R.S. (2013) ‘New answers to three questions on the epidemic of coronary mortality in south Asians: incidence or case fatality? biology or environment? will the next generation be affected?’,Heart (British Cardiac Society) 99(3), pp. 154-158.
DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2012-302364
Dr Rupert Talboys
Cutts, S, Talboys, R., Paspula, C., Prempeh, E.M., Fanous, R. and Ail, D. (2017) ‘Adult respiratory distress syndrome’, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeon, (England). 99 (?) pp.12-16.
Cutts, S., Talboys R., Paspula C., Ail, D., Premphe and Fanous, R. (2016) ‘History of acute respiratory distress syndrome’, The Lancet Respiratory medicine. 4(7), pp. 547-548.
Dr Mousumi Zaman
Zaman, M.D., Siriwardena, C. and Graham, R. (2017) ‘Same Old Peristomal Dermatitis, but what’s causing it?’, New Horizons in Clinical Case Reports. 1(1) pp.16-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.nhccr.2017.06.172
Zaman M.D.(2015) ‘Inaccessible back: frustration and misery of lonely patients’, BMJ Innovations 2015(1), pp. 51-52.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr.12.2009.2548
Zaman, M.D., Akram, H., Haliasos, N. and Bavetta, S (2011) ‘Cardiac tamponade and heart failure secondary to ventriculo-pleural shunt malfunction: A rare presentation’, BMJ case reports. 2011.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr.12.2009.2548
Zaman, M.D. ‘Case Based Discussion: Blisters In Babies, What To Do & What Not To Do’, Foundation Years Journal, 11 (10)
Zaman, M.D. (2018) ‘Inaccessible back: frustration and misery of lonely patients’, – i-poster presentation, ‘Innovation in Medicine, Dermatology, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Palliative Care, and Gastroenterology ‘RCP 500 year anniversary conference London, United Kingdom, 25- 26 June.
Non- clinical staff
Peter Ransome
Ransome, P.J. and Thayne, A. (2017) ‘Embedded Library services within the Specialist Dementia care team at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’, in: Proceedings of European Association of Health & Information Librarians (EAHIL) and International Health Librarians (IHL) Conference Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 12- 16 June, 2017.
Ransome, P. J. and Thayne, A. (2017) ‘Embedded Library services within the Specialist Dementia care team at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’, Health Libraries Group Newsletter. 34(4), pp. 5-7. Available at: (Accessed: 6 August 2018).
Notes to these publications;
Every effort has been made to check the accuracy of references however we are unable to guarantee 100% accuracy.
Any amendments or additions will be gratefully received.
List of publications compiled by Peter Ransome, James Paget University Hospital library manager, and Helen Hall, Research Grants Advisor.