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Help us plan Careers Fair 2020

31 July 2019

Planning is underway for our 2020 Careers Fair, likely to be held in April next year, and we’re asking potential visitors if there’s anything particularly that you’d like to see at the event.

Previous years have included a variety of stands from different departments providing information on everything from medical, allied health professional, nursing and midwifery recruitment to admin and support role positions – with more information about our staff ‘bank’, apprenticeships and education opportunities all available for those attending.

What would encourage you to come along – or if you have visited in a previous year would you like to see anything particularly or can you suggest any improvements?

We’re always looking to recruit experienced and qualified staff but also provide the chance for those starting their careers, or looking for a change, opportunities to join the NHS. If there’s a particular area you’d like to find out more about or you’d like to talk to a particular team please let us know by emailing