Surgical trainees from across East Anglia visited the James Paget earlier this week to take part in our 'Paget Laparoscopic Skills Course'.
Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery, is a modern surgical technique in which operations are performed through small incisions.
The course is regularly organised by our Consultant Surgeon and Surgical Tutor Kamal Aryal and his Postgraduate Medical Education colleagues, with support from Johnson & Johnson, Storz and Applied Medical, to give trainees the opportunity to learn new skills and to practice them under the supervision of our expert and experienced surgical tutors.
The course, held in the Wet Lab in our Education & Training Centre, covers hands-on training in porcine tissue – including gall bladder removal and the joining of intestine – and the opportunity to learn via the live streaming of keyhole surgery performed by Mr Aryal and his colleague Mr Roshan Lal.
Mr Aryal said; “The students work in pairs on laparoscopic techniques in the morning before observing and critiquing live operations in the afternoon. The aim is to make them competent key hole surgeons in removing gall bladder, perform hernia operations and intestinal surgeries as they continue their training to become consultant surgeons.”
Those attending yesterday came from as far afield as Harlow and Southend to attend the course.