A Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) Masterclass was held at the James Paget on Friday, 4 October, with Trainee surgeons from across East Anglia gathering to learn techniques that can enhance patient care.
This was second course following first in April 2019.
The one day course aims to increase understanding of the non-technical skills required to underpin good surgical performance, including good communication, teamwork, decision making, situational awareness and leadership.
After a welcome from Kamal Aryal, Consultant Surgeon at the James Paget, who co-ordinates the course, delegates looked at the role of human error in adverse events in surgery and then explored how NOTSS can help, through exercises and scenarios.
It is recognised that what are commonly termed ‘non-technical’ skills are important in ensuring the optimum outcome for the patient undergoing surgery, and discussions around how to overcome barriers can help ensure ‘good behaviours’ and good practice in operating theatres.
The course is delivered by a number of top surgeons including Simon Paterson Brown, Consultant Surgeon, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh who developed the course; Kamal Aryal; Jeremy Ward, Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Preston Hospital; Raaj Praseedom Consultant Transplant Surgeon Addenbrookes Hospital; John Pickles Chair of Clinical Human Factor Group (CHFG) and Christopher Fowell, Consultant Surgeon Addenbrookes Hospital.
Mr Paterson Brown delivered grand round on October 3 at the Burrage Centre on ‘Using non technical skills to improve performance In all areas of health care delivery’ attended by more than 100 doctors and nurses. It is hoped these events will improve safety culture in the hospital, including enhancing patient safety.