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Quality priorities survey

31 December 2020


We would like to gain your views as we start to prepare our 2021 Quality Report.

Each year we publish a Quality Report as part of our Trust’s Annual Report and accounts. In line with the Department of Health guidance, there are many elements we have to include within the Report, however the priorities we set on quality are for us all to contribute to. These priorities must link to;

(1)  Patient Safety (how we keep our patients free from harm such as falls and pressure ulcers);

(2)  Clinical Effectiveness (the standards of care we provide for our patients); and

(3)  Patient Experience (what the process of receiving care feels like for the patient, their family and carers).

As we start to prepare next year’s Report, we would like to gain your views on what our key priorities for quality should be, and have created a short survey. If you would like to take part and contribute please visit;

Quality Priorities 2020