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New online payment service

13 November 2020


We’ve launched a new online service for anyone who may need to make a payment to our hospital.

While the NHS is free at the point of use for UK resident patients, there are charges that our hospital makes for private patients, and for some other services, and these can now be paid via the new online payment service, set up in conjunction with Pay360 by Capita. 

There is now a link from our website homepage for use by anyone who may need to make a payment, including private patients and some overseas visitors, who can now pay their invoices electronically. The system can also accept payments for orthotics, where applicable, and for courses, among others. 

The ‘Make a payment’ link takes you directly to the Pay 360 site where you can pay using a credit or debit card. Anyone who needs to make a payment will be advised about the new service. 

The new link is not for making donations to our hospital charity, as this option is available via our charity website;