Our Ward 12 team have helped to make the day a little special for one patient who sadly had to miss her granddaughter’s wedding on Friday.
Patricia Clarke unfortunately couldn’t attend the wedding due to her being in hospital but staff were determined to help her enjoy the celebrations as her granddaughter Caroline got married.
Frances Staff, housekeeper on Ward 12, helped organise the day of little treats, which included Pat having her hair done, staff decorating her bed space and the team arranging for a Trust iPad to be used so Pat could watch some of the special day.
Ward 12 Senior Sister Gemma Lister said; “I am so proud of my staff, in particular Frances, our housekeeper, who have gone above and beyond to make this day special for Pat. Pat’s son David brought in a button hole for her, and Frances decided to arrange a special day for her so she could still enjoy some of the celebrations from the ward even if she couldn’t be there in person.”