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Six months of our Continuity model

25 August 2021


In February 2021 the trust launched three continuity teams as part of the wider Better Births initiative. Please refer to our infographics for our statistics since the launch.

In a recent survey of women who have experienced continuity of care at the James Paget Hospital since February 2021, we have received 35 responses with the following results:

  • 100% of women were more satisfied with their care when compared with the traditional model, and would recommend continuity to family and friends.
  • 100% of women felt supported in their pregnancy and birth choices.
  • On a scale of 0-10, 31 of 35 women said they were fully satisfied with their antenatal care – 10/10.
  • The remaining 4 women said satisfaction with their antenatal care was 9/10.
  • 85% of women said satisfaction with their labour care was 10/10
  • 85% of women said satisfaction with their postnatal care was 10/10

Below are a few quotes from women who have been positively impacted by this service: 

“The new continuity care made a huge positive difference to my antenatal care. I was lucky enough to have my named midwife deliver my baby and made the labour and birth much more relaxed.”

“I have no negative feedback on the new model. The best change and most positive impact on midwifery services.”

“The continuity of care system works really well. I just wish it had been like this on my previous pregnancy.” 

Please click on the image below to view our document revealing all the positive feedback our team has received.

Additionally if you have experienced our continuity model in the last six months please use this link to give us some feedback – 

We would love to hear about your experience with us. 

6 Months of Continuity graphic showing there were more than 370 births with 82% attended by a known midwife

Graphic showing percentage of assisted (9%) and caesarean births (35%)