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Vandana nominated for champion award

26 July 2021


Congratulations to Vandana Khurana, who has just been nominated for this year’s Multicultural Business and Community Champion (MBCC) Awards 2021.

Vandana Khurana stands outside our hospital holding a copy of her book at waist height. The front cover is one of the sunset images with blue sky at the top, blue-ish water at the bottom and an orange sky, with the sun, in the middle.

Vandana, who works as a prevention program projects manager at our hospital, is one of 17 women nominated in the category of Community Unsung She-ro of the Year.

Her nomination is for giving her time to community work relating to various health, well-being, spiritual, cultural, charitable and educational platforms for the last 25 years.

Vandana is a founder member and Chair of the Vedic Cultural Society of East Anglia. She participated in the COVID Oxygen for India appeal, and a recent World Diversity day held at the hospital. In addition, Vandana has inspired people during lockdown through her photobook entitled ‘Awakening with Sunrise’ which features photographs of the sun rising above a Norfolk beach throughout the year, accompanied by inspirational quotes.

All proceeds from sales of the book are going to four charities, including the James Paget Hospital Charity and Macmillan.

For more information about the awards – and to vote for Vandana – visit: