If you would like to make a donation to our hospital charity this Christmas, perhaps as a gift, thank you or tribute to a loved one, a friend or colleague, then we’d like to encourage you to buy a light or bauble for our Visufund virtual fundraising Christmas tree.
You can view the tree, and make a donation to see it light up with your own message and make this Christmas a little special not only for the individual or team named but for our hospital patients and staff too, at; https://visufund.com/james-paget-hospital-charity
You might like to donate instead of sending Christmas cards, or just to say hello to someone over the festive period.
We’re asking that you make a minimum donation of £5 to switch on a light, £10 to hang a bauble, £20 to put a present under the tree and £50 for the star at the top.
The James Paget Hospital Charity allows us to fund projects to enhance patient experience, to purchase items beyond what NHS funding provides for, and to support our staff, and every small contribution is appreciated.