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Vaccination hub update

29 October 2021

The entrance to the vaccination centre at Market Gates - with blue 'entrance' and 'exit only' signs. 

People who have their COVID vaccinations booked at the Market Gates vaccination centre tomorrow (Saturday, 30 October) should be aware that, due to staffing issues, the centre will not now be opening as planned.

As such, all vaccination bookings at Market Gates tomorrow have been cancelled.

Additional booking slots have been made available on Sunday (31 October) at both Market Gates, and the Louise Hamilton Centre on the James Paget University Hospital site. We are contacting people to reschedule their bookings but, if anyone affected by these cancellations has not heard from us, we would ask them to re-book via the National Booking System:

The Market Gates vaccination centre will also be temporarily closed from Monday, 1 November to 5 November, with vaccination slots on these days cancelled. Additional slots to cover these cancellations are now available on each day at the Louise Hamilton Centre at the James Paget University Hospital site, and we would ask people affected by these closures to also re-book via the National Booking System.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.