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Our award-winning team celebrate International Day of the Midwife

05 May 2022


Today is International Day of the Midwife and we’re celebrating our maternity staff who have just been named ‘Team of the Year’ at the East of England Chief Midwife Awards.

Our maternity team were selected as joint winners of the award at the ceremony held on Friday, 29 April, and were praised for their hard work, dedication and commitment.

Wendy Matthews OBE,Chief Midwife and Director of NursingforNHS England and NHS Improvement East of England, congratulated the team saying; “You should be very proud, not only for the incredible contribution you have given to your team, your maternity services and the NHS as a whole, but also because you were both nominated and chosen by your colleagues for this honour.”

In the nomination for the award, it was highlighted that all the team deserved recognition of their achievements over the last year.

It read; “Despite testing times from Covid and staffing difficulties, they pulled together as one team to ensure implementation of Continuity of Carer was a success.  The team is headed up by an approachable and strong maternity management team who aren’t afraid of getting involved with clinical care to help the team. There is a real sense of family and respect between all members of staff…it’s the most united and positive team I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

“With the trust nearly being at 100% Continuity of Carer implementation I believe they deserve the award and appreciation of how, whilst the journey hasn’t always been easy, they’ve worked together to achieve it.”

You can read more about Continuity of Carer here;

A group of our staff, in a variety of different uniforms, are shown in a group photo where some are kneeling and others standing behind.

Our photo above shows some of the team with James Paget Chief Executive Jo Segasby and Director of Nursing Paul Morris.


Our brilliant midwives have been joining colleagues worldwide today in celebrating International Day of the Midwife.

With the 2022 celebration reflecting progress in midwifery over the past 100 years, our team created a colourful display on the central delivery suite, with staff contributing photos and memories.

A group of our midwifery staff stand in front of the display created for the occasion. One of the midwives at the front holds the cake, which is decorated in blue icing.

A celebratory cake was baked for the occasion - and a prize draw was held, with team members nominated by staff from across the hospital. Among the draw winners was midwife Curita Reilly (pictured below), who won a Royal College of Midwives reusable mug.

Curita holds her mug following her win

Her nomination, by a student midwife, said: “Curita’s proactive and positive attitude to her profession is an inspiration to me as a student midwife. If I can become half the midwife that she is, I will consider myself successful.”

The wall display to celebrate the event, featuring photographs and images of the team