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Surgeon from Nepal visits the James Paget

04 May 2022


A surgeon from Nepal is currently visiting the James Paget to get an insight into surgery, hospital procedures and UK health care, as part of an exchange programme between the two countries.

Dr Suryaman Menangbo, a general surgeon at Karnali Acdemy of Health Sciences in Nepal, is on a two-week exchange visit and has already spent time in Theatres and our Emergency Department to learn more about UK health services.

The visit continues a tradition of Nepalese medical and nursing staff visiting Norfolk, with strong links between the hospital and the country thanks to James Paget Consultant Colorectal Surgeon Kamal Aryal, who was born in Nepal.

Dr Aryal is currently Chairman of the Nepalese Doctors’ Association, a UK wide charitable organisation which promotes and supports medical education and health improvement projects through independent and collaborative efforts, and the exchange has been organised by the Association.

Four men stand next to the large James Paget logo on the exterior of the front of our hospital

Dr Aryal, along with colleagues including surgeon and General Surgery Clinical Lead Mr Roshan Lal and Subash Rai, all pictured here with Suryaman Menangbo, have been hosting the visit, and they have been showing him some of Norfolk too, with trips to Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, and Gorleston seafront.

Mr Lal said; “Hospitals in Nepal are a different world so we have been showing some of the things that we do in the UK, including our documentation, multi-disciplinary team working, pain relief and how we treat the patient as 'holistic care' rather than treating the disease. Communication with patients is important and we have also been demonstrating how we use checklists and national warning scores to make surgery safer.”

Dr Aryal, who is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia, said they had also been sharing education practices. “He has spent some time in our simulation suite in our on-site Education and Training Centre to see how this helps us train student doctors, and seen some of the teaching we do and the technology we have. The aim is to transfer knowledge and skills and continue the links we have with Nepal.”

During his trip Suryaman is also visiting London and will learn more about other areas of our hospital, including management of the surgical services.