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Vaccination team visit Vision Norfolk

28 November 2022


Our Covid vaccination team were out and about again last week, this time visiting Vision Norfolk in Great Yarmouth to offer vaccines to anyone who wanted one.

This was a really positive visit, with a warm welcome from Vision Norfolk - the local charity which supports people with sight loss to enjoy independent and fulfilled lives - and our team vaccinating people who admitted they would not have gone to get it elsewhere.

Vision Norfolk vaccine visit - Three women from our team - two of them nurses in light blue tops and one in a dark blue admin uniform - stand with Edward outside Vision Norfolk in Great Yarmouth. There is a large plate glass window with 'Vision Norfolk' engraved on it behind them.

Our photo shows some of our team with Edward Bates, Vision Norfolk Hub Co-ordinator.

If you would like a first or second dose, or if you are eligible for a booster, you can make an appointment via the national booking system here;

You can learn more about the vaccination programme in Norfolk and Waveney here;

If you would like to make a booking for one of the specialist accessible clinics for those with learning disabilities and autism, which are tailored to meet the individual needs of anyone who might find it difficult to attend a standard vaccination centre, please call 01493 453930 or email