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World Sight Day celebrated

17 October 2022

World Sight Day 2022 - a group of our staff, including nurses in light blue uniforms, stand either side of a table with a display on it. All the staff wear blue surgical masks and all but one wear sim specs. 

Our Eye Clinic team marked World Sight Day on Thursday with a stand in the main clinic area and the opportunity to try out ‘Sim Specs’, which give an insight into the effects of sight loss conditions.

The team had a number of visitors, including staff from the general surgery clinic who tried the Sim Specs, and members of the Eye Clinic reception team also tried wearing the specs while carrying out basic tasks.

Eye Clinic Liaison Officer Rosemary Knell, who organised the event, said; “The specs proved to be a great learning experience, with our reception team trying to negotiate the telephone, finding notes, etc, while getting an understanding of the world of sight loss.

“We also received a number of spectacle donations, which are always gratefully received, and these will be collected by a member of the Lions charity for distribution to those who need them. We’d like to thank everyone who visited or donated.”

The theme of the 2022 World Sight Day was ‘Love Your Eyes’, encouraging individuals to prioritise their own eye health and to advocate for accessible, affordable and available eye care around the world.

World Sight Day 2022 - four people stand next to the World Sight Display stand in the Eye Clinic