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Tesco donate toys to our learning disabilities team

23 September 2022

Marie Denby, wearing a light coloured top and dark trousers, stands with Sue and Danielle from Tesco, wearing royal blue branded tops and jackets, at our front reception desk. Some of the donated toys and goodies are sat on the desk alongside the three women. 

Thank you to Tesco in Great Yarmouth who have kindly donated a range of gifts - including soft toys, colouring pencils, books and fidget toys - to help support children and adults with learning disabilities and/ or autism who come into our hospital.

Marie Denby, Learning Disability and Autism Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner at the James Paget, who is pictured here with Danielle and Sue from Tesco, thanked the team for their support.

“This kind of donation can bring so much comfort to our patients with learning disabilities and autism as it can help take their mind off hospital treatment. This generous donation is really appreciated.”

A collection of the toys, books and colouring pencils donated by Tesco, including cuddly rabbits and teddies.