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Lowestoft Lions donate clocks to Ward 17

30 August 2023

Two Lowestoft Lions Club members - men wearing blue Lions-logo tops - are pictured with three women, charity manager Maxine, in a dark yellow dress, and a nurse and HCA in uniform from Ward 17 - outside the front of our hospital. Four of the five hold one of the new clocks - three in boxes - while Maxine holds a thank you certificate for the Lions. They all stand in front of the large James Paget NHS sign painted on the grey front of the building.

Lowestoft Lions Club have generously donated 18 digital day clocks to Ward 17 at the James Paget, to support Haematology patients receiving treatment at the hospital.

The Lions kindly made the donation after Ward 17 staff requested charity funding for the clocks, so there can be one in each of the 18 rooms on the ward.

Staff nurse Jessica Young said; “On Ward 17 we are fortunate enough to have all side rooms, however we do not have clocks in these rooms. For some patients this can be particularly confusing or distressing if they do not have a mobile or watch with them and they have no idea of the time or date. We were thinking that rather than clocks on walls, which those with sight problems may struggle to see from their beds, it would be great to have individual clocks with the date and time that could be placed on their tables so they have easy access to.”

Maxine Taylor, James Paget Charity Manager, said; “We are really grateful to Lowestoft Lions for purchasing the clocks for Ward 17. These will help patients and staff on the ward with a full electronic display, and will be easy to keep clean. We’d like to thank the Lions and all who have supported their fundraising.”