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Volunteers recognised for 40 years service

14 December 2023

Dusty, who has been a volunteer at the James Paget for 40 years, stands with Deputy Nurse Jacky Copping. Both are smiling and facing the camera. Amanda Hood stands in the background to the photo, smiling and looking at Dusty.

Two volunteers who have given 40 years’ service to the James Paget hospital have been presented with certificates marking their achievement at a special Christmas event celebrating our amazing volunteer team.

Volunteers were invited to the coffee morning event held at the Louise Hamilton Centre on Wednesday to meet with colleagues from across the hospital for light refreshments and the chance to catch up.

It was also an opportunity for Volunteer Co-ordinator John Gilligan and others to thank our volunteers for everything they do to support patients, staff and visitors.

Head of Patient Experience and Engagement Amanda Hood said; “We are very aware of all the hard work you do and the positive impact you have on patient experience and we’d like to say thank you for the support you provide.”

After a Christmas sing-along, there was also a special presentation to two of our volunteers who have given 40 years’ service to the hospital – Dusty Miller and Iain Ferguson (pictured).

Deputy Chief Nurse Jacky Copping - who made the presentations to Dusty and Iain, who volunteer with our Chaplaincy team - said; “I’ve been working for the Trust for 39 years so not only have you beaten me in long-service terms I’ve been able to see the input you have given to patients, staff and relatives over the years and how this means so much.  Never be in doubt about your value to the hospital, and I want to thank you and wish you all a merry Christmas.”

Dusty, who is now 88 years old and a much loved figure at the hospital and in the wider community, said; “It’s a privilege to be here. It’s been a long journey that started as a prayer group and evolved into Chaplaincy volunteer work. The James Paget has always been my passion and I’ve loved working with patients and staff here – thank you for a wonderful experience.”

Deputy Nurse Jacky, Iain Ferguson and Amanda stand facing the camera.