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Raising awareness of Type 1 diabetes

14 February 2023


We’re sharing some information for children and parents on the signs of type 1 diabetes to raise awareness of the symptoms.

Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune condition in which the body’s own immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas which produce insulin. We do not know what causes type 1 diabetes although it is not linked to lifestyle factors. There is currently no cure and it cannot be prevented.  There are currently around 400,000 people living with type 1 diabetes in the UK and approximately 29,000 of them are children.

However some children are undiagnosed so we want to raise awareness of what to look for.

The image here is a poster that has been created by Otis, a child who is living with Type 1 diabetes, and we’d encourage you to view this poster and a video here; to find out more.

Type 1 Diabetes poster. This is mid blue with white writing on and four illustrations. The writing at the top says 'Be a hero, know the signs of type 1 diabetes'. The illustrations then say 'tired' , 'thirsty', 'toilet', 'thinner'. The text under this says 'And you could save a life' and includes the information in the text above about diabetes. There are then a number of logos across the bottom of the poster of the organisations involved in putting the poster together including The Leeds Teaching Hospitals.