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Surgical Assessment Unit marks first year of operation

31 January 2023


Congratulations to our Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) team, who today celebrated their first year of caring for patients.

Some of our Surgical Assessment Unit team stand in the unit, in front of a 'Welcome to The Surgical Assessment Unit' sign which is white writing on a blue background. The eight members of staff, including nurses and doctors, wear various colour uniforms, including some in blue scrubs and others in blue and black nurses uniforms. In front of them, on a chest-level white counter, are  two trays of cakes - including cupcakes with pink, white and chocolate icing and square chocolate cakes piped with the individual letters of 'Happy Birthday'.

Since opening on 31 January last year, the team has increased not only its days of operation from five to seven days per week, but also the breadth of conditions that can be assessed by its surgical specialists. The SAU provides rapid assessment of patients with conditions including appendicitis, hernia, abscesses, bowel obstructions, wound inspections, haemorrhoids and urological issues.

Between February and December last year, the SAU saw more than 1700 patients, many of whom were referred directly from the hospital’s Emergency Department, helping reduce their waiting times.

In addition the SAU aims to provide ‘same day emergency care’ so that patients can be seen, treated and discharged without having to be admitted to a hospital bed.

Patient feedback has been positive, with staff being described as ‘efficient, informative, helpful, friendly and kind.’