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Early onset dementia group meeting

21 July 2023


Our early onset dementia group will meet at the Louise Hamilton Centre on Wednesday, 26 July, and if you, or someone you care for, are under 65 and have a dementia diagnosis then you are invited to attend.

The group offers both peer support and the opportunity to talk to our Dementia Care team, with the meeting described as friendly and open. You can ask questions and talk to others and just have a chat over light refreshments.

There’s no need to book – you can just pop in and join the session, which runs from 10.30am to 12noon at the Centre, on our hospital site.

The coffee morning poster, featuring information in the text plus 'Our informal friendly group is a Service User led forum with support available from specialists if required. For further information please contact Sue Francis, Manager at the Louise Hamilton Centre on 01493 453100 or Ali Thayne, Dementia Care Lead, on 01493 453731. The poster design features a yellow block with wavy lines at the bottom with the James Paget logo and blue forget-me-not flowers at the top, with the words 'Coffee morning' plus the date and time. The rest of the poster is a white background with blue, light yellow and aqua green coloured patches with different pieces of information in, most in the text above plus that coffee mornings are held monthly on the last Wednesday of the month, and a photo of five of the group members sitting in red comfy chairs in the centre.