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Young diabetes patients first to receive pioneering new insulin system

21 June 2023

James Paget’s Paediatric Diabetes team - Five individuals, including two women in dark blue specialist nurse uniforms, stand in front of three metallic appearance helium balloons spelling out OP5. The O and P are in pink metallic and the 5 is rainbow coloured. The background is a cream coloured wall.

The James Paget University Hospital has become one of the first hospitals in the UK to use the Omnipod 5 for young patients with type 1 diabetes, with three young people among the first to get the new system, which automatically provides insulin when it is needed.

The Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, is the first wearable, tubeless, hybrid closed loop system integrated with the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System to continuously adapt and automatically deliver basal insulin according to an individual’s needs.

Until now young patients could have the continuous glucose monitoring system but would then have to deliver their own insulin according to the readings given. The Omnipod® 5 will mean they do not have to worry about calculating the correct insulin dose or giving the dose at the right time as this will be done automatically.

Layla, Ben and Oliver (pictured left to right) are the first patients to receive the Omnipod® 5. Oliver and family said “We are delighted to be part of this new approach, and excited to receive the Omnipod® system today!”

The young patients are under the care of the James Paget’s Paediatric Diabetes team (pictured left to right) Dr Himal Gurung, Consultant Paediatrician; Gill Macgregor-Linnett, Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurse; Rachael Walker, Paediatric Diabetes Support Assistant; Sarah Shreeve, Diabetes Specialist Nurse; and Dr Pradeep Venugopal, Consultant Paediatrician.

Young diabetes patients with new insulin kits - Six individuals including two nurses in navy blue specialist nurse uniforms and three young people - a girl and two boys - stand in front of the OP5 balloons.