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Dermatology service information

21 November 2023


From Thursday, 23rd November, we are working on a trial with North Norfolk Primary Care (NNPC) to provide an improved Dermatology service.

This new service will help reduce waiting times for patients. If you are a new patient to our service, you may be contacted by a GP or a specialist nurse who will undertake a virtual consultation.

If a face to face assessment is required you will be asked to attend The Beaches Medical Centre - Magdalen Way branch (also known as Shrublands Health Centre), Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, NR31 7BP.

It is covered by good public transport using the No.8 bus, stopping outside the surgery, in both directions. There is also a large public car park for patients to use.

If you are on our Dermatology waiting list you do not need to do anything – you will be contacted if the new service is applicable to you. If you are contacted for a virtual consultation you will be given more information about what to expect.